Iran launches missile strikes against the US in Iraq

<p>After the killing of General Qassem Soleimani last week, Iran attacked two American bases in Iraq with a barrage of missiles early Wednesday. “The fierce revenge by the Revolutionary Guards has begun,” Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said in a statement, said sources The attack comes hours after the Soleimani’s remains were returned to his […]</p>

New Update
Iran launches missile strikes against the US in Iraq

After the killing of General Qassem Soleimani last week, Iran attacked two American bases in Iraq with a barrage of missiles early Wednesday. “The fierce revenge by the Revolutionary Guards has begun,” Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said in a statement, said sources


The attack
comes hours after the Soleimani’s remains were returned to his hometown in Iran
for burial. Iranian officials said the attacks on American bases began at 1.20
am, the same time Soleimani was killed by an American drone at the Baghdad
airport last Friday.

The White
House said in a statement that it was “aware” of attacks on US facilities in
Iraq. “The president has been briefed and is monitoring the situation closely
and consulting with his national security team,” the statement said.

The Iranian
state television advised the United States to withdraw its troops from the
region to prevent more deaths.

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