24 hours continuous hard work by administration to increase covid treatment facility

Update: 2021-04-21 04:03 GMT

5 ventilators and 25 bed ICU starts at Samras hostel covid hospital at midnight

With the backing of the state government's equipment facility, Vadodara administration is working tirelessly for the last several weeks to meet the Corona crisis and provide the best possible treatment services to patients.

As a link to that, there was a continuous 24-hour uninterrupted effort to operate the ventilators and ICU at Samaras Hostel Covid Hospital late night on Tuesday. Officer on Special Duty Dr. Vinod Rao continuously monitoring the work and completed the facility.

The details of the sequence of events given by the officer on special duty are as follows

  • 25-bed ICU with 5 ventilators at Samaras Hostel Covid Hospital fuctional at around 1am late at night.
  • At 3 o'clock in the night a needy patient at this facility was put on oxygen treatment by BIPAP.

Dr. Rao informed, about 100 ICU Beds likely to be ready by Wednesday evening. They also expect to get about 15 more Ventilators delivered today.

At a time when the administration is struggling to cope with covid crisis, it is our duty as citizens to take precautions, including wearing masks, keeping our hands clean with soap or sanitizer, and adhering to social distance to avoid congestion.

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