26 March – Know your today's horoscope

26 March – Know your today's horoscope

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26 March   – Know your today's horoscope

Aries : Start your day with a little exercise- It's time you start feeling good about yourself- Make it a regular feature everyday and try to stick to it. Any advice from your father can prove to be beneficial at the workplace. A close relative might demand more attention but would be supportive and caring. Chances of someone proposing on the cards. Natives of this zodiac sign should read some spiritual books in their free time today. By doing this, many of your troubles can be overcome. Your married life is all about fun, pleasure, and bliss today. You want to do a lot many things, yet you may be postponing everything important today. Take some action before the day is over, or you might feel you have wasted the entire day

Taurus : Try to get out of your office early for some recreation. Money gains from unplanned sources brighten up your day. Friends will come to your aid if needed. Once you are met with the love of your life, nothing else is required. You will realize this truth today. Natives of this zodiac sign are very interesting. Sometimes they will feel alive amidst their friends, but would love to spend time alone at times. Adding to it, you'll be able to take out some 'me' time from your busy schedule. Your and spouse will quarrel over small issues but this might ruin your marriage on a long term basis. Be careful not to trust what others say or suggest. You should have complete information about the work you are assigning to someone.

Gemini : Your charming behaviour will attract attention. You should not invest your money today without consulting anyone. Invitation in a award function of your child would be the source of happiness. You would likely to see your dream coming true as he lives upto your expectations. Little chance to escape from the Cupid's arrow. Loss or theft may occur if you are careless with your belongings. Today, your better half will support you in the most critical thing of your life. There is a possibility to go shopping today with your family, however you might feel tired afterward.

Cancer : Today's entertainment should include sports activities and outdoor events. Natives who are employed will require a sustainable amount, but due to unnecessary expenditure done in the past, they won't have enough. Let family tension not divert your attention. Bad times give us much more. Don't waste the moment indulging in self-pity but try and know life lessons. You will be highly sensitive to remarks made by your lover-You need to control your emotions and avoid doing anything that could worsen the situation. Today, you can feel happy to find an old item at home and spend the whole day cleaning that stuff. Your spouse might push you to go out when you are in no mood or vice versa, which will eventually make you feel irritated. Your family members may need your presence within the house today. Therefore, try and take out time for them.

Leo : Do not worry about you health as it may make worsen your sickness. Use your innovative idea to make some extra money. Your witty nature will make you popular at social gatherings. Today your love blooms to show what a beautiful deed you have done. Do not be afraid to say what's on your mind. If you were craving for the love of your spouse, the day will bless you. Profit in business will be a dream come true for traders and businessmen of this zodiac sign today.

Virgo : You are likely to face some criticism due to your habit of criticising others. Keep your sense of humour up and your defences down and you will be in a better position to ward off cryptic comment. You can acquire money from an unknown source today, which will resolve many of your financial troubles. Rituals or auspicious ceremonies should be performed at home. Love is the feeling to be felt and shared with your beloved. Today, you may get some bad news from your in-laws' side, which can make you sad. As a result, you may spend a lot of time just thinking. It might become the best eve of your life with your spouse today. There is no other feeling bigger than love. Hence, you should say something that can build your beloved's confidence in you and take your love to new heights.

Libra : Today you need to relax and try to find happiness amongst close friends and family members. Today, seek the blessings of your elders before going out of the house, as it will benefit you. Unexpected good news from distant relatives will bring happy moments for the entire family. It is not the right time to share your personal feelings/secrets with your beloved. Favourable planets will bring you plenty of reasons to feel pleased today. Your spouse might hurt you intentioanlly today, which might keep you upset for some time. You may sneak out of the house today without telling anyone due to an ongoing conflict inside you, and you won't be able to find a solution as well.

Scorpio : Dormant problems will surface bringing mental pressures. The money you had saved up from a long time can come to use today. However, the expenditure can lower your spirit. Visit to a religious place or to a relative seems likely on your cards. Your heart beats will play the music of love in rhythm with your partner today. Your sharp observation will help you stay ahead of others. Life keeps on giving you surprises, but today you are going to be awestruck seeing a wonderful side of your partner. Today, doing yoga and meditation will make you mentally strong.

Sagittarius : The loyal heart and brave spirit of your spouse may give happiness. Perfect day to purchase items that would grow in value. Today at home you should try not to offend others and adapt to your family needs. Don't worry like ice your sorrow will melt today. Today, a relative of yours can visit you without any prior notice, due to which you will have to devote your time in tending to their needs. Health of your spouse may keep you worried. Do not invest in any stock or company you have no idea about without informing your close associates.

Capricorn : You misunderstand with a friend may invite some unpleasant reaction-get a balanced view before passing any judgement. The arrival of money today can relieve you from many financial troubles. Children may bring in some thrilling news. Your lover may get hurt about something you had said. Before they get angry with you, realize your mistake and make up with them. Favourable planets will bring you plenty of reasons to feel pleased today. Your life partner might care extra for you like an angel today. Today, you can realize how quick the time passes when you meet an old friend after a long time.

Aquarius : Encourage your mind to be receptive to positive emotions like love hope faith sympathy optimism and loyalty. Once these emotions take complete command-the mind automatically responds positively to every situation. Money can be required anytime, so plan your finances and start saving now as much as possible. Avoid arguments and confrontation and needless fault finding in others. Your lover can demand something from you today, but you won't be able to fulfil the wishes. This can make your beloved upset. Understand the value of your time. It is useless to remain among people who are difficult to understand. Doing so will just give birth to more troubles. You may take your partner for granted in certain case, which will lead to a fight. Do not invest in any stock or company you have no idea about without informing your close associates.

Pisces : A spiritual person showers blessings and brings peace of mind. Those who are associated with the milk industry are likely to benefit financially today. Someone you live with will be annoyed if you have been ignoring your household duties. Behave decently with your sweetheart today. Today people will pass compliments-which you have always wanted to hear. Your spouse might affect your reputation a little bit adversely today. You may fulfill your social obligations by meeting your relatives today..

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