Health Ministry: Covid positive report not mandatory for hospitalisation

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Health Ministry: Covid positive report not mandatory for hospitalisation

The Health Ministry has revised the national policy for admission of COVID patients to various categories of COVID facilities. This patient-centric measure aims to ensure prompt, effective and comprehensive treatment of patients suffering from COVID19.

As per the same directive to all States and UTs, requirement of a positive test for COVID-19 virus is not mandatory for admission to a COVID health facility. No patient will be refused services on any count. This includes medications such as oxygen or essential drugs even if the patient belongs to a different city.

No patient shall be refused admission on the ground that they are not able to produce a valid identity card that does not belong to the city where the hospital is located. Admissions to hospital must be based on need. It should be ensured that beds are not occupied by persons who do not need hospitalization. Further, the discharge should be strictly in accordance with the revised discharge policy.

The Health Ministry had earlier enunciated a policy of setting up three tier health infrastructure for appropriate management of suspect or confirmed COVID-19 cases. The guidance document issued in this regard yesterday envisages setting up of COVID Care Centre, Dedicated COVID Health Centre and Dedicated COVID Hospital.

COVID Care Centre shall offer care for mild cases. Dedicated COVID Health Centre shall offer care for all cases that have been clinically assigned as moderate. Dedicated COVID Hospital shall offer comprehensive care primarily for those who have been clinically assigned as severe. These hospitals should either be a full hospital or a separate block in a hospital with preferably separate entry and exit.

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