Thousands of Pets travel by train from Pune Station

The data from Pune railway authorities shows that over 7,000 pets, consisting of dogs, cats, goats, and chicks, were transported via train from Pune station

Update: 2024-03-29 08:53 GMT

The data from Pune railway authorities shows that over 7,000 pets, consisting of dogs, cats, goats, and chicks, were transported via train from Pune station between January 2023 and February 2024.

An officer at the parcel department highlighted the importance of arriving at the station two hours before boarding, particularly for those travelling with pets. 

He outlined two methods for pet travel: accompanying them in a cabin or coupe or transporting them in the brake van or luggage van.

Owners who want to transport their pets via train can’t book online. 

They must visit the parcel section and provide vaccination and fitness certificates issued by a veterinarian.

The charges for transporting pets in the brake van are based on a standard weight of 30 kg, with rates differing based on the train and distance.

For instance, the cost of transporting a dog from Pune to Delhi is approximately Rs 800. If a cabin or coupe is booked, the charges go up.


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