Banana Coconut Smoothie Recipe: Try this easy smoothie recipe and enjoy it with your loved ones

Made with banana, grated coconut, greek yoghurt, maple syrup and vanilla essence

Update: 2023-03-15 09:04 GMT

Try this simple Banana Coconut Smoothie, which can be made in just a few minutes and enjoyed with a hearty breakfast. 

Made with banana, grated coconut, greek yoghurt, maple syrup and vanilla essence. 

To make this drink delicious you can tweak the dish with some butterscotch ice cream, nuts, seeds and what not! But if you want to make a simple yet healthy treat, then you can follow this recipe and make a thick smoothie. Try this easy smoothie recipe and enjoy it with your loved ones.

1 banana

1 cup grated coconut

1 teaspoon vanilla essence

1 cup low fat yoghurt

2 ml maple syrup

1/2 cup ice cubes

mint leaves as required

Step 1 / 2 Make A Smooth Blend

To begin with this easy recipe, take a blender and add 1 banana, yoghurt, vanilla essnece, grated coconut. Make a thick smooth blend.

Step 2 / 2 Serve Chilled

Add Ice cubes and blend it twice. Make a thick creamy blend and pour it into the glasses and enjoy.


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