29 December – Know your today’s horoscope

<p>Aries : You are likely to face some criticism due to your habit of criticising others. Keep your sense of humour up and your defences down and you will be in a better position to ward off cryptic comment. If you want to become financially strong in the future, then you have to start saving […]</p>

By Connect Gujarat Desk
New Update
8th September – Know your today’s horoscope

Aries : You are likely to face some criticism due to your
habit of criticising others. Keep your sense of humour up and your defences
down and you will be in a better position to ward off cryptic comment. If you
want to become financially strong in the future, then you have to start saving
money from today. Make sure you have approval of everyone before you make
changes to your home environment. Relations with your sweetheart might get
strained because of the interference of someone. A sparkling laughter filled
day when most things proceed-as you desire. Your spouse might affect your
reputation a little bit adversely today. Stars suggest a sojourn nearby – kind
of a fun-filled trip with those who you feel close with.

Taurus : Health related problems might cause discomfort.
Today, you are likely to attain benefits from the help of your brother or
sister. The family’s situation won’t be normal as you think. Today, there is a
possibility of an argument or dispute within the family. Hence, control
yourself in such a case. Your sweetheart will turn out to be an angel for you
today, if you shared some love. Nothing is impossible as long as there’s a will
to overcome it. Looks like your partner is in a fabulous mood today, all you need
is to help him/her in making it the best day of your married life. If you do
not have much to do today, go to a public library and enrich yourself with

Gemini : You need to control your emotions and get rid of
your fear as early as possible, as chances of instantaneously affecting your
health and a stumbling block in your way of enjoying good health are high on
the card. If you had invested in any land overseas, then it can be sold today
at a good price, which will help you earn profits. Family responsibilities will
mount- bringing tension on your mind. The day is fabulous in terms of your love
life. Keep making love. Natives who get accused of not giving ample time to
their families can think of spending some quality moments with them. However,
due to some important work popping up, your plan will fail. The day will not be
very good for you as there might be many disagreements on several issues. This
will make your relationship weak. A day to catch up with your friends who you
have not met for a long time. But inform your friend in advance if you want to
meet, or a lot of time might be wasted.

Cancer : Try to get out of your office early and do things
that you really enjoy. Today, seek the blessings of your elders before going
out of the house, as it will benefit you. Encourage a healthy relationship with
your children. Put the past behind and look forward to bright and happy times
ahead. Your effort will prove fruitful. Secret affairs can ruin your
reputation. Your communication skills would be impressive. You might face a
tough time in your marriage today. In case your words are not heard, then do
not lose your temper. Try and understand both the situation and your advice,
and react accordingly.

Leo : You will have enough time to yourself today so,
go out for a long walk for the sake of your good health. You should look twice
at investment schemes that are presented to you today. Sudden good news towards
the evening brings happiness and cheers for the entire family. Your love will
reach a new height. The day will begin with the smile of your love, and end in
the dreams of each other. Amidst your busy life, you will get enough time for
yourself today and be able to do your favorite things. Physical intimacy will
be at its best with your spouse today. You may visit some place with your
family members, as they take you along. Though, you may be a bit disinterested
initially, you might enjoy the experience later.

Virgo : Your personal problems may ruin mental happiness
but involve yourself in some mental exercise by reading something interesting
to cope up these pressures. A new financial deal will get finalized and fresh
money rolls in. A perfect day to fix up something exciting and entertaining
with friends. Try harder you will definitely be luckier as it is your day
today. Repeating things in life that are no longer important isn’t the right
thing to do. By doing this, you are just wasting your time. Do you think that
married life is all about compromises? If yes, you will know today that it’s
the best thing ever happened to you. You will remain calm at heart, which is
why you will be able to create a good atmosphere at home.

Libra : Your enormous confidence and easy work schedule
brings you enough time to relax today. Investment concerning your residence
will be profitable. Good day to communicate with people whom you rarely meet.
If you feel that your beloved does not understand you, then take some time out
and spend it with them. Talk openly and speak out your heart clearly. A
spiritual leader or an elder provides guidance. Today, you will forget all the
sad memories about your married life and cherish the wonderful present. Time is
absolutely free, but it is precious too. So, accomplish all your pending tasks
today and relax tomorrow.

Scorpio : Cheer up as good time ahead and you will have
additional energy. Any uninvited guest can come into your house today, but
his/her luck can benefit you financially. You are most likely to make some
major changes in and around your house today. Don’t worry like ice your sorrow
will melt today. Learn to control your mind, as many a times you lose focus and
waste your time. Even today, you can do something like this. Your spouse looks
quite romantic today. You can spend a good time with your mother today. She can
share some small, loving anecdotes from your childhood with you.

Sagittarius : Emotionally you will not be
very stable- therefore be cautious how you behave and say things in front of
others. Any advice from your father can prove to be beneficial at the
workplace. Time spent with family- children and friends will be vital to
regenerate your energy. Do not doubt the fidelity of your beloved. Today, be
wise while communicating with your family members, as unnecessary fights and
arguments can arise. This will only waste your time and energy. You will spend
the best day of your life with your spouse today. In order to eliminate your
life problems, you can meet a psychologist today.

Capricorn : Overall health will be fine but travel will prove
hectic and stressful. Your unrealistic planning will lead to paucity of funds.
Quarrel with a neighbour would spoil your mood. But don’t lose your temper
because it would only add fuel in the fire. No one can quarrel with you if you
non-cooperate. Strive to maintain cordial relations. Today, you will want to
share your life struggles with your partner. However, instead they will start
narrating their own problems, which will upset you more. You should leave the
company of such people you think are not right for you and wasting your time as
well. You might feel suffocated in your married life due to lack of comfort
today. All you need is to have a good talk. You may go out and take lunch or
dinner with your family/friends in an exotic restaurant. Though, it might be a
bit costly.

Aquarius : Your personal problems may ruin mental happiness
but involve yourself in some mental exercise by reading something interesting
to cope up these pressures. Your efforts to save money can fail today. Although
you do not have to worry about it, as the situation will soon improve. Sort out
personal problems by understanding eachother’s point of view. Do not bring them
in public otherwise chances of defaming you are high. Exciting day of romance-
Plan something special for the evening and try to make it as romantic as
possible. Sports is an important part of life, but do not get too much involved
that it affects your education. Your partner might do something fabulous
unintentionally, which will be really unforgettable. You can bring your
parents’ favourite dish from the outside without telling them, which will
surprise them as well as positively impact the atmosphere of the house.

Pisces : A reunion with an old friend will brighten up
your spirits. Money position improves as delayed payments are recovered. Visit
friends who need your assistance. Your day today will be immersed in the colors
of love, but you can argue with your beloved over something old during the
night. Natives of this zodiac sign are very interesting. Sometimes they will
feel alive amidst their friends, but would love to spend time alone at times.
Adding to it, you’ll be able to take out some “me” time from your busy
schedule. It is the day to experience the brighter side of marriage. You should
not overhear the advice of someone younger than you, as even it can prove to be
a major life lesson for you.

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