26 May – Know your today’s horoscope

<p>Aries:Your continuous positive thinking will be rewarded. As you are likely to succeed in your endeavour. You will make good money today- but try not to let it slip through your fingers. You will expand your base of friends and acquaintances if you participate in social functions and events. You will get to see a […]</p>

By Connect Gujarat Desk
24 November – Know your today’s horoscope
New Update

Aries:Your continuous positive thinking will be rewarded. As you are likely to succeed in your endeavour. You will make good money today- but try not to let it slip through your fingers. You will expand your base of friends and acquaintances if you participate in social functions and events. You will get to see a new wonderful side of your love partner. If you are considering a new business partnership- then it would be essential to get all the facts in hand before you make any commitment. Sports is an important part of life, but do not get too much involved that it affects your education. Good food, romantic moments; all are predicted for you today.

Taurus :Attend some social gathering to change your mood. You need to accumulate your money and know when and where to spend wisely, otherwise you will have to repent in the coming time. Friends and near ones would extend their helping hand upon you. You will have difficulty trying to make your mate understand your position. You will learn new things if you attend seminars and lectures. You would want to give time to your family members at the end of the day, but you may get into an argument with someone close to you, which can spoil your mood. You might get annoyed with your spouse over the grocery shopping.

Gemini :You can start your day with Yoga and Meditation. Doing this will be beneficial for you and you will maintain your energy levels throughout the day. If you are married, then take special care of your children today, as there are chances of their health deteriorating. As a result, you may have to spend a lot of money on their health. Period of tension may prevail but family support will help you. Don’t disappoint your lover today- as it will leave you repenting later. Work at office will gain momentum as colleagues and seniors extend full cooperation. Excellent day for social as well as religious functions. Surprise your better half on a regular basis; otherwise he/she might start feeling unimportant.

Cancer:Health remains good. Monetary gains will be from various sources. Safeguard your interest when dealing with friends- business associates and relatives- as they might not be considerate to your needs. Sudden romantic encounter will lift your spirits. Use your professional power to enhance your career prospects. You are likely to gain unlimited success in your field of activity. Devote all your skills to gain the upper hand. Do not be afraid to say what’s on your mind. You may take your partner for granted in certain case, which will lead to a fight.

Leo:Work pressure and discord at home might bring some stress. You may spend a lot today on small things around the house, which can mentally stress you out. A day full of happiness when spouse makes efforts to give joy. Instant romance could come your way if you go out with friends in the evening. New partnership would be promising today. Pleasure trip will be satisfying. Today, you will spend the best time of your life with your spouse.

Virgo :Too much excitement and explosive passions could harm your nervous system. Control your emotions to avoid this. Long pending arrears and dues will finally be recovered. Your knowledge and good humour would impress people around you. Plant a sapling today. Plan out things nicely to get satisfactory results-Tension clouds your mind as you attempt to sort office problems. Natives of this zodiac sign will get plenty of time for themselves today. You can use this time to fulfill your desires, read a book or listen to your favorite music. Today, you might stay stressed due to the health of your spouse.

Libra :Elders need to put their extra energy into positive use to reap good benefits. Money position will improve later in the day. You would forget your problems and spend good time with family members. The ecstasy of entire universe is held between the two who are in love. Yes, you are the lucky one. Your confidence is growing and advancement is apparent. Today, you can sit with your family members and talk about many important issues of life. Your words may be bothersome for your family, but you will be able to derive a solution. You will have a series of quarrels that will make you feel like giving up your relationship. However, do not give in that easily.

Scorpio :Try to put your high confidence to good use today. Despite a hectic day you will still be able to gather back your energy. It’s another high-energy day and unexpected gains are foreseen. Visit to a religious place or to a relative seems likely on your cards. Your smile is best antidote for your beloved’s unhappiness. Backlog of correspondence will need top priority. The natives of this zodiac sign can try to find a reliable solution to a problem today in their free time. Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars, but it’s the day when Venus and Mars will melt into each other.

Sagittarius :Work pressure might bring some stress and tension today. Today, one of your parents can lecture you on the importance of saving money. You need to listen to them very carefully, otherwise you may face problems in the upcoming time. Guests crowd your house for a pleasant and wonderful evening. Experience pious and pure love. Partners will be enthusiastic about your new plans and ventures. The elders of this zodiac sign can go and meet their old friends today in their free time. The day might become one of the best days of your married life.

Capricorn : Do not allow the feeling of frustration overtake you. Incase you are looking for ways to make little extra money- invest in secure financial schemes. Unexpected gifts and presents from relatives and friends. Don’t clamor loud about love affair. Adapt to new techniques to increase your work efficiency-Your style and unique ways of doing things will interest people who are watching you closely. The elders of this zodiac sign can go and meet their old friends today in their free time. You might struggle in the morning to get ready due to power-cut or something else, but your spouse will come to your rescue.

Aquarius :Today, your health is expected to be healthy. Due to your good health, you can plan to play with your friends today. Lack of money can be the reason of discord in the family today. In such a situation, think well before talking to other family members and seek advice from them. Someone you trust will not be telling you the whole truth-Your ability to convince others will help you solve coming problems. Chances of facing agony of love on the cards today. Your ability to do extra work will dazzle those who are slow in their performance. Good news most likely from a distant place expected by late evening. You might get annoyed with your spouse over the grocery shopping.

Pisces : Only you know what is best for you- so be strong and bold and take quick decisions and be prepared to live with the results. You know the importance of money very well, which is why the money you save today will be useful in the future and get out of any major difficulty. Old friends would be supportive and helpful. Don’t bend to unnecessary demands of your love. It is a favorable day, utilize the best of it at work. Students of this zodiac sign may find it difficult to concentrate on their studies today. Also, you can waste your precious time on friends. You might feel lack of attention from your spouse, but at the end of the day you will realize that he/she was busy just for making the arrangements for you.

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