18 September – Know your today’s horoscope

<p>Aries:Your anger could create a mountain out of molehill-which would only upset your family members. Fortunate indeed are those great souls whose intelligence keeps anger under control. Burn your anger before it burns you. Today, you need to stay away from such friends who ask you to loan money and then do not return it. […]</p>

By Connect Gujarat Desk
8 June – Know your today’s horoscope
New Update

Aries:Your anger could create a mountain out of molehill-which would only upset your family members. Fortunate indeed are those great souls whose intelligence keeps anger under control. Burn your anger before it burns you. Today, you need to stay away from such friends who ask you to loan money and then do not return it. Encourage a healthy relationship with your children. Put the past behind and look forward to bright and happy times ahead. Your effort will prove fruitful. You are going to be absorbed in romantic thoughts and past dreams. Good day for businessmen. A sudden trip undertaken for business purpose will yield positive results. Today you can spend some quality time with your spouse by taking a break from your work. Marriage had never been so wonderful before than today.

Taurus :Health related problems might cause discomfort. A colleague of your office can steal one of your valuable items today. Hence, you need to remain careful and keep your items in check. People will give you new hopes and dreams-but lots will depend on your own efforts. May be disappointed in love but don’t lose heart as lovers are ever sycophantic. Be discreet and courageous especially in face of opposition that might arise at work place. You will spend a good time with your spouse today, but may get into a conflict due to any old, unresolved issue. You might have an argument with your spouse during the day, but it will be settled down while having dinner today.

Gemini :A special compliment from a friend would be the source of happiness. This is because you have made your life like trees-which give shade to the others while they themselves stand in the sun and endure the scorching heat. Investment should be avoided today. Do not let your relatives and friends manage your finances or you could soon be surpassing your budget. Your beloved will do things to keep you happy. Tact will be required while handling colleagues. Your competitive nature will enable you to win any contest you enter. You and your spouse might get a wonderful news today.

Cancer:A special compliment from a friend would be the source of happiness. This is because you have made your life like trees-which give shade to the others while they themselves stand in the sun and endure the scorching heat. Investment should be avoided today. Do not let your relatives and friends manage your finances or you could soon be surpassing your budget. Your beloved will do things to keep you happy. Tact will be required while handling colleagues. Your competitive nature will enable you to win any contest you enter. You and your spouse might get a wonderful news today.

Leo:Your hope will bloom like a rich delicate fragrant and dazzling flower. Improvement in finances is certain. A close relative might demand more attention but would be supportive and caring. Unexpected romantic inclination will cloud your mind towards the evening. Female members will play a big role in your success- no matter which field you are involved in. You may give advice to your children regarding time management and how to utilize the time in the most fruitful way. Your spouse had never been so awesome. You might get a nice surprise from the love of your life.

Virgo :Your low vitality will act like chronic poison in the system. It is better to keep yourself engage in some creative work and keep on motivating to fight the disease. Your money comes to your work only when you stop yourself from spending extravagantly, today you can understand this thing well. A friend may seek your advice to sort out his personal problems. Your presence makes this world a worthy place to be for your beloved. You might get a good news at work today. Your ability to help those in need will bring you respect. Your partner might do something fabulous unintentionally, which will be really unforgettable.

Libra :Sound health will enable you to participate in sports competition. If you are a student and want to study abroad, then financial crisis at home can upset you today. Your involvement in others affairs should be avoided today. Today you are going to make blind love possible to get. You will feel that your creativity has been lost and you find it extremely difficult to make decisions. Those who live away from their home would prefer to spend their free time in a park or quiet place it the evening after completing their chores. Your spouse will do something really special for you today.

Scorpio :Do not waste your energy in unnecessary thinking impossible rather use it in a right direction. Improvement in finances will make it convenient for you to make important purchases. A repair work at home or social get-togethers likely to keep you busy. Sharing food with beloved in candlelight. Do not make any commitment unless you are sure of honoring it. As per your personality, you get upset by meeting more people and then try to find time for yourself amidst all the chaos. In this sense, today is going to be a great day for you, as you will get enough time for yourself. This is going to be the best day of your married life. You will experience the true ecstasy of love.

Sagittarius :A very good day from health point of view. Your cheerful state of mind will give you the desired tonic and keep you confident. People who had invested their money in the past are likely to benefit from that investment today. Short trip to the relative brings moment of comfort and relaxation from your daily hectic schedule Be careful as falling in love could be sacrilege for you today. Successful day for those in the creative fields as they receive long awaited fame and recognition. Looking at the position of the Moon, it can be said that you’ll have a lot of free time on your hands today, but won’t be able to utilize it as you want. An external party might try to create differences between you and your partner, but you both will manage it.

Capricorn : If you haven’t been taking sufficient rest then you will feel extremely tired and will need extra rest. Improvement in finances will make it convenient for you to pay your long-standing dues and bills. Good time to get involved into activities that include youngsters. You will be in sync with the heartbeats of your partner today. Yes, it’s the sign that you are in love! Partners will be enthusiastic about your new plans and ventures. To properly utilize your free time, you should get away from people and do what you love. Doing this you will also bring some positive changes in your life. Life keeps on giving you surprises, but today you are going to be awestruck seeing a wonderful side of your partner.

Aquarius :A sparkling laughter filled day when most things proceed- as you desire. You know the importance of money very well, which is why the money you save today will be useful in the future and get out of any major difficulty. Spend some relaxed moments with family members. Sudden romantic encounter are foreseen today. You will not get good results in the office today. Someone closer can betray you today, which can make you worried throughout the day. Efforts made to improve your looks and personality will turn out to your satisfaction. In a regular married life, this day will act as a delicious dessert.

Pisces : Friends supportive and will keep you happy. Do not make rash decisions- especially when negotiating major financial deals. Some people will tend to promise more than they can deliver-Forget about such people who just talk and give no results. Your eyes light up with joy and heart beat fast as you meet your dream girl today. Added knowledge that you acquire today would give you an edge when dealing with peers. Natives of this zodiac sign will plan to execute creative tasks in their free time today. Although you won’t be able to succeed in your planning. The day is really great for your married life. Let your partner know how much you love him/her.

#Horoscope #Connect Gujarat
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