Clashes and violence at Jerusalem's holy Al-Aqsa Mosque, 60 palestinians hurt

Clashes broke out early Friday between Israeli police and Palestinians at the Al-Aqsa Mosque

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Clashes and violence at Jerusalem's holy Al-Aqsa Mosque, 60 palestinians hurt

Clashes broke out early Friday between Israeli police and Palestinians at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, a major holy site in Jerusalem, and medics said at least 20 Palestinians were wounded.

It was not immediately clear what sparked the violence. The Islamic endowment that administers the site said Israeli police entered in force shortly after early morning prayers, when thousands of worshippers were at the mosque.

Videos circulating online showed Palestinians hurling rocks and police firing tear gas and stun grenades.

Now reports claim over 60 people have been injured in the violence at Al Aqsa Mosque. The mosque is the third holiest site in Islam. It is built on a hilltop that is the most sacred site for Jews, who refer to it as the Temple Mount.

It has been a major flashpoint for Israeli-Palestinian violence for decades.

Earlier, as per the news agency Associated Press, the Palestinian Red Crescent emergency service said it evacuated 20 wounded people to hospitals.

The endowment said one of the guards at the site was shot in the eye with a rubber bullet.

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