Trump promises ‘insurance for everybody’ as Obamacare replacement

<p>US President-elect Donald Trump said that he was nearly ready to unveil a plan to replace President Barack Obamas Affordable Care Act (ACA) with “insurance for everybody”. Trump, in an interview on Saturday evening with the Washington Post, said that health care offered under his plan would come “in a much simplified form — much […]</p>

Trump promises ‘insurance for everybody’ as Obamacare replacement
New Update

US President-elect Donald Trump said that he was nearly ready to unveil a plan to replace President Barack Obamas Affordable Care Act (ACA) with “insurance for everybody”.

Trump, in an interview on Saturday evening with the Washington Post, said that health care offered under his plan would come “in a much simplified form — much less expensive and much better”, the New York Times reported on Sunday.

“We’re going to have insurance for everybody,” Trump said. “There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.”

In the interview, Trump provided no details about how his plan would work or what it would cost. He only said that it would be a “great health care” that left people “beautifully covered”.

Top aides to Trump declined to provide more information about the President-elect’s plans.

In an interview last week with the New York Times, Trump said he wanted Congress to repeal the ACA and replace it “very quickly or simultaneously, very shortly thereafter”.

Trump said specifically on Saturday that “I don’t want single-payer”. He told the Washington Post that he would force drug manufacturers to negotiate better prices with Medicaid and Medicare, the government-run health programmes.

Last week, the House of Representatives and the Senate began the process of repealing Obama’s health care law by approving parliamentary language that allows them to proceed without the threat of a filibuster by Democrats.

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