“The sixth day of the Sayaji Startup Summit 2017”

“The sixth day of the Sayaji Startup Summit 2017”
New Update

The day was tiring due to a lot of startups that had registered on 6th day of the summit but it was worth the hardwork because the ideas of the participants at the pitching were amazing and were out of the box.

The categories for the pitching were Social Entrepreneurship, Textile, Tourism & Hospitality Startups. The pitching went on till the evening in front of the jury after which the results were as follows:


- Punchit.in

- Dry state


- Blue hat

- Healthy campus

- Eplague

- Blood man


- The smart taxi

- Telanor

- D. woman

- Portable toilet

The guest lecturer at the workshop on the day were Taruna Suryavanshi And Dipankar Das who speak on the topic “HOW TO PITCH AN IDEA AND STARTUPS LEADERSHIP.”

Taruna suryavanshi spoke about how to pitch. According to her, pitching refers to presentation done by a person who has a startup in front of the investors for funding. The person needs to be confident about his idea and should be appealing to the investor only then will the investor will try to support you.

The investor sees how much capability you have to make your business successful. Investors look for the following qualities: integrity, passion, experience, knowledge, skill (for example marketing, technical skills), leadership, commitment, vision, realism, coachability.

Do’s of a presentor: logical progression, things they can relate to, validators. Don’t’s of a presenter: things they know are not true, things that make them think, things they don’t understand, internal inconsistences, typo errors. What should be there in a presentation: short bullet points--- good, only headlines---better, images--- best. What would be there in an ideal pitch deck?: company purpose, the problem, the solution, why now, market size, competition, the product, business model, team, the ask.

Some words of Dipankar Vyas: first line of his was that leadership exists everywhere. A leader is the one who manages everyone in the group. To become a successful leader you should learn how to manage and to understand people. A leader delegates, convinces, serious mentoring, and provides direction. Leadership essentials: understand your team, give proper information, rewards and recognition, develop skill of team and give necessary freedom. he involved the audience in an exercise which helped them know what type of a leader they were (mentor, convinces, laisser-faire or delegating). His session was very energetic and involving.

The categories for 7th day pitching are Media & Entertainment, Food & Beverages Startups. And the workshop will be conducted by Meghavi Vyas and Trushar Redij. The Topic will be How to market your startup and Personal Branding for Startup?

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