Intel launches 'quantum' to look beyond conventional computing

Based on the well-known programming language C++, the platform allows developers without prior knowledge of quantum computing to use it

Intel launches 'quantum' to look beyond conventional computing
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Intel Corporation has unveiled its Intel Quantum Software Development Kit (SDK), a platform for developers to create quantum algorithms that can run on a quantum computer.

Based on the well-known programming language C++, the platform allows developers without prior knowledge of quantum computing to use it.

Algorithms can currently be run on a simulated quantum computing system thanks to the Intel Quantum SDK. 

Because it is based on quantum mechanics, it is quicker than conventional computing.

Quantum computing, a highly developed form of computation, is grounded in quantum mechanics and quantum theory. Although it uses zero and one bits, it uses every condition between zero and one, which results in exceptional performance.

Growth in demand is anticipated as more use cases emerge in fields such as quantum parallelism, algorithms, cryptography, machine learning, and quantum simulation.

A type of computing known as quantum computing manipulates data using quantum-mechanical phenomena like superposition and entanglement. In conventional computing, bits represent data as either a 0 or a 1, but in quantum computing, qubits (quantum bits), also known as superposition, can simultaneously represent both 0 and 1.

This makes it possible for quantum computers to carry out some computations far more quickly than traditional computers, which has the potential to transform industries like materials science, drug development, and cryptography.

The Director of Quantum Applications and Architecture at Intel Laboratories, Anne Matsuura, stated that the Intel Quantum SDK aids developers in preparing for upcoming large-scale commercial quantum computers.

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