Acer India has introduced its AI-powered gaming laptop, the Nitro V 16. The laptop is equipped with the powerful AMD Ryzen R7 8845HS processor and NVIDIA GeForce 4060 series AI graphics.
With 16GB of DDR5 RAM and a 1TB SSD, the Nitro V 16 is also integrated with the Copilot feature in Windows 11.
Priced at Rs.1,09,999, the AI-enhanced Nitro V 16 is now available at Acer exclusive stores across India
The Nitro V 16 boasts a 16-inch display with a sharp 16:10 aspect ratio and WQXGA resolution of 2560 x 1600 pixels.
This vibrant screen offers a 165Hz refresh rate and 100% sRGB color accuracy, providing gamers with stunning visuals.
The device also introduces innovative features like the AI-powered Copilot, which is designed to assist with collaboration and productivity.
Another standout is Purified Voice 2.0, an AI-driven technology that filters out background noise.
Acer has simplified the control of AI settings through the Acer Quick Panel, which allows users to easily manage camera and microphone configurations, ensuring optimal settings during video communications.
For thermal management, the Nitro V 16 is equipped with an advanced cooling system that includes dual fans, quad-intake, and quad-exhaust mechanisms.
This system efficiently draws cool air through the keyboard and button cover while expelling hot air through vents on the sides and rear, ensuring the laptop remains cool and maintains peak CPU and GPU performance.
The NitroSense key provides users with the ability to manage fan speeds and choose from four distinct cooling modes: Eco, Quiet, Balance, and Performance, depending on their needs.
Connectivity is robust with Wi-Fi 6E, Gigabit Ethernet, and USB4 40Gbps ports, ensuring the Nitro V 16 is well-equipped for any scenario.