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Tata Memorial organises sports fest for kids with cancer

They are among the 250-odd paediatric cancer survivors from the city’s eight hospitals who will participate in Nabhaangan 2024

Tata Memorial organises sports fest for kids with cancer

On a sunny Thursday afternoon, the doctors’ dining room at Tata Memorial Hospital’s (TMH) Golden Jubilee building in Parel is buzzing with happy paediatric cancer survivors being coached in chess, table tennis, carrom and six other sports.

They are among the 250-odd paediatric cancer survivors from the city’s eight hospitals who will participate in Nabhaangan 2024, the first sports fest for children with cancer organised by TMH this weekend at the Andheri Sports Complex.

Standing in one corner of the TMH dining room and watching her son being coached in table tennis, Mubasshra Khan is radiant.

Jatia said that while they had restricted the number of participants to 250, next year they planned to hold the fest at the national level.

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