“Parents – Best ever gift from God to us”

<p>Today is Global Day of Parents. At first this day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012 and has been celebrated annually ever since. Parents are God’s best ever gift to every child. Lucky are the people who have parents. God could not be everywhere so he made parents. Family is the […]</p>

“Parents – Best ever gift from God to us”
New Update

Today is Global Day of Parents. At first this day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012 and has been celebrated annually ever since.

Parents are God’s best ever gift to every child. Lucky are the people who have parents. God could not be everywhere so he made parents.

Family is the fundamental unit of a society and parents and children are the pillars of it. Parents are a child’s ideal.

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Parents are a teacher, well-wisher, mentor, role-model and protector to their children. Hats off to their unconditional love and the hard work they employed to brought up their children and make them that able that they face in the crowd.

Mother is one who keep us for nine months in her body and bear many things just to bring us in this beautiful world. “Keep 9kg stone till 9 hours tied with a stomach you will come to know what Mother is”, and on the day when she gives birth to a baby is the world best day and full of happiness for her. Becoming parents is the most happiest moment in everyone’s life.

From the day 1 of child’s birth parents try to full-fill all their responsibilities and make their child capable to compete in this world and stand in the crowd.


When child grows and there is a time to admit him or her to school for the first time they try to take admission in best school for their child, but the one who don’t have much money can just dream about it. But then also they adjust and do hard work for money to give education to their child .They sacrifies their own needs and full-fill our needs.

Like this Parents by struggling in their life grew up their child. And as days passes ahead their child becomes big and mature. And now he or she is reached to college, but don’t forget that your parents have given many scarifies and done allot for you to bring you on this stage. Whether they have money to pay college fees or not, they try to take your admission in good college. And now it’s our responsibility to return something to our parents. What we can do is study and work hard and make feel proud to our parents. Stand on your own feet alone -that your parents can say to the world that HE is my son or SHE is my daughter. It is impossible to return something to our parents for what they did for us in life but try to give your best to your parents in the form of your good result. They will become very happy.

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But everyone knows there are two sides of a coins. In the same way there are different different peoples with different mentality in this world.

Some of them gives lots of love and respect to their parents and some of them don’t even see towards them. Why is this happening ???? Why we don’t want our parents to stay with us when they becomes old???? Why we send them to old-age-home when in true sense they need us??????

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Just imagine that you are a parent and your child do the same with you, for a minute close your eyes and just imagine that your child says that now you cant live here with us please go to old age house or some other place. Its very difficult to even imagine. So just think how it will feel to your parents ? Nature doesn’t leave any body. Today what you will do with your parents, tomorrow it will be repeated with you. So just keep this in mind.

When our parents become old ,most of people are not even ready to live with their parents. For eg.If in a family there are 3 or 4 brothers then they fight on this, that who will keep their mom dad. Many of them fix time period to keep their parents with them, 6 months or year each will keep .I will keep Mom 6 months and I will keep dad for 6 months, in this old age children’s separate their mother father. “Baghban” is the best example, you can understand by that what i m trying to say.


Today’s generation is modern, but don’t be so modern that your Parents become burden of responsibility on you.This is the stage when your parents need your support. Dont forget they are the one who supported you in your childhood, they are the one who taught you to walk by holding your small fingers, they are the one who brought every things which you want and demanded, they are the one who made you capable ,they are the one who fought with the society when you did some mischief, they are the one who remained hungry for several nights and gave you food so you can fill your stomach, they are the one who made you study whether they had money or not they did struggle and earned money – for whom they did this all??? ?For you only.

And what you give them in return of this all???????


Our generation is so modern that if our parents are of village areas or less educated or illetrate, they feel ashame of them to take them to their friends house or to any other place. Dont forget because of them only you are here in this world and because of them only you are on this stage of life.

For this day only your parents have given you birth???? For this day your parents have scarified their life for you???? For this day your parents have struggled in life????For this day your parents gave you education????

On “Mother’s Day” and “Father’s Day” everyone use to keep Status on facebook, whatsaap and other social media and shows loves and care for parents. But it is just to showcase on that particular day only. If you really love your parents don’t show to the world, show to your parents that how much you love them and how much important they are in your life.


No doubt all of them are not equal , not all children’s use to do this there are many children’s in this modern world who cares for their parents and never made them unhappy. In old age also there are many people who keep their parents happy and so all possible things for them.

By Money we can purchase everything, but we can not purchase MUMMY-PAPA

“Baap Boliye to hoth band thay che,Ma boliye to hoth khulla thai jay, Swas nu avu aagman atle Ma-Baap”

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