OSD Dr. Vinod Rao visited Dhiraj and Parul hospitals

OSD Dr. Vinod Rao visited Dhiraj and Parul hospitals
New Update

Review work progress regarding beds capacity and liquid oxygen setup

OSD Dr. Vinod Rao visited Dhiraj Hospital and reviewed the situation. The work for 1000 Bed COVID Hospital at Sumandeep campus is going on war-footing. 350 beds already made functional of which 180 is vacant.

He informed that Liquid Oxygen Tank will be ready here by Thursday thus making the process of setting up 250 Bed ICU with 125 Bed Ventilators easier.

Dr. Rao also visited Parul Hospital and informed that 300 Beds are functional there and about 50 of them are vacant. They are increasing capacity to 700 Beds in one week.

Liquid Oxygen Tank foundation work started and it be installed in next 6 days. This will increase ICU from 50 to 240 Beds and Ventilators to 120 from 30 in next 6 days.

#Dr. Vinod Rao #Gujarat news #COVID-19 vaccine #Gujarat #Parul Hospitals #Covid19 Update #Dhiraj hospital #OSD Dr. Vinod Rao
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