Muslim Personal Law awareness campaign

<p>To sensitise the people about Muslim Personal Law a 15 day state wide programme is organised by the Jamaat E Islami Hind later in this month. The aim is to aware the people along with the Muslims specially about the personal law and Sheriya awareness. The organisers said that the idea is to clear the […]</p>

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Muslim Personal Law awareness campaign

To sensitise the people about Muslim Personal Law a 15 day state wide programme is organised by the Jamaat E Islami Hind later in this month. The aim is to aware the people along with the Muslims specially about the personal law and Sheriya awareness. The organisers said that the idea is to clear the misconceptions about the law and to give Muslim women a respectable place which nowadays is somewhere missing after the recent talks on triple Talaq and other things.

The triple Talaq and the Supreme court judgment on the same saw many objections by the Muslims specially the ladies in recent past. After the protest, signature campaigns as part of nationwide protest the Jamaat E Islami Gujarat is going to sensitise the people about the Muslim law in a15 days awareness campaign specially for ladies in coming days.Personal“The awareness campaign will start from 23rd April and continues till 7th May 2017. During the time we have organised seven to eight big Shariya conference, 12 to 15 big public meetings, corner meetings in cities and villages, doctors advocates table conference for the males, grass root meetings in slum areas, starting counselling centers and also a state level essay competition. The aim is to aware all about the Muslim Personal Law and clear the misconceptions regarding Talaq, peoperty issues and other things related to women,” said Dr. Fatima Tanveer Convener of the campaign.

Fatima Tanveer further added that nowadays a environment is creating towards the Muslim ladies where they were shown as helpless. She said that there is nothing like this and the only thing is the less knowledge of Muslim Personal Law among the people. The idea to launch such a campaign is to aware the public and tell them that they are with the personal law not against it.

Fatima also said that the triple Talaq matter is also such that people don’t know fully about it. We want to tell them that Muslim Personal Law is not against anyone but gives the right to everyone to follow. The triple Talaq is the final step when the husband wife don’t have anything left to live together. The first Talaq itself allowed them to separate and marry but there it gives chance to the couple to settle down if they find likeness to each other. So the idea is to aware people about such things in the Muslim Personal Law where they can understand the things.

She also added that Muslim Personal Law is not against anyone and moves with the changing technology but the fine line is to understand the do’s and dont’s of the law and move forward.

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