WR collects record amount as fines in monthly ticket checking drive in March 2022

Recovery of Rs.19.35 Cr from 2.96 Lakh cases of ticketless & irregular travel which is record of last 5 years

WR collects record amount as fines in monthly ticket checking drive in March 2022
New Update

Western Railway has been conducting regular ticket checking drives to keep a check on unauthorized travelling. With these thorough drives, WR broke its past record of last five years in collecting monthly railway fines through ticket checking.

With the strength of more than 2100 Ticket Checking staff, Western Railway recovered Rs. 19.35 Crore in the month of March 2022, in approx. 2.96 lakh cases of ticketless traveling & cases of unbooked luggage cases.

According to a press release issued by Shri Sumit Thakur - Chief Public Relations Officer of Western Railway, during the checks conducted from April 2021 to March 2022, about 18.87 lakh cases of ticketless/irregular travel including unbooked luggage cases were detected, resulting in recovery of Rs. 113.57 crore.

During the period, 9 cases of transfer of reserved tickets were detected and more than Rs. 13000/- was realized. Besides this, 784 beggars & 860 unauthorized hawkers etc. were apprehended, out of which, 282 were charged and an amount of Rs. 1,16,620/- was realized as Railway dues. 576 persons were prosecuted from which Rs. 1,65,870/- were recovered in fine. 339 checks were conducted against touts and other anti-social elements, as a result of which 2033 persons were apprehended and fine of approx. Rs 2.19 lakh recovered.

Western Railway appeals to the general public that all permitted categories of passengers to travel with proper and valid tickets & should carry valid Identity cards in order to avoid inconvenience.

#National news #India #ticket checking #WR #Travel news
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