Centre placed purchase order for 5mn doses of Corbevax Covid vaccine, each costs Rs 145 excluding tax

The government is yet to select to which group of people this new vaccine will be given to

Centre placed purchase order for 5mn doses of Corbevax Covid vaccine, each costs Rs 145 excluding tax
New Update

Official sources said on Saturday that the Centre had placed a purchase order with Biological E for five crore doses of Covid vaccine Corbevax, each costing Rs 145 excluding taxes.

The government has yet to select to which group of people this new vaccine will be given to.

According to reports, technical groups and the Health Ministry's immunisation division are discussing broadening the scope of the prophylactic doses presently provided to healthcare and frontline staff, as well as sick older individuals.

On behalf of the Union Health Ministry, HLL Lifecare Limited, a public sector company, submitted a supply order for Corbevax to Biological E in January.

The Hyderabad-based company is due to deliver the supplies in February, according to the order.

"The cost implication of five crore dosed of Corbevax at the rate of Rs 145 per dose plus GST as applicable come to Rs 725 plus GST as applicable.

"In this regard, it is also stated that Rs 1,500 crore has been released as advance vide sanction order dated June 2, 2021, to HLL Lifecare Limited for procurement of Corbevax from Biological E Limited," the order stated.

The government has informed Parliament that any decision to expand the list of eligible beneficiaries for the precaution dose of COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination of children under the age of 15 will be made in accordance with the NTAGI's recommendations, which are based on a review of the scientific evidence.

Corbevax, India's first indigenously created RBD protein sub-unit vaccine against COVID-19, has been licenced for limited use in emergency situations by India's Drug Regulator.

Corbevax is given intramuscularly in two doses, 28 days apart, and is kept at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees Celsius. It comes in vial packs of 0.5 mL (single dose) and 5 mL (10 doses).

In the country, the business completed phase 1/2 and 2/3 clinical studies of its COVID-19 vaccine. According to the health ministry, it has also completed a phase 3 active comparator clinical trial to assess superiority over the Covishield vaccination.

Last December 10 and 27, CDSCO assessed the Corbevax Emergency Use Authorization proposal in consultation with the SEC. After deliberation, it was suggested that Corbevax be manufactured and marketed for restricted use in emergency situations in people aged 18 and up, subject to several regulatory requirements.

Following that, the Drugs Controller General of India accepted the proposals.

#COVID Vaccine #Union Health Ministry #Corbevax Covid vaccine #Corbevax
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