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5 ways on how yoga can effectively deal with corporate burnout: Ishan Shivanand

Ishan Shivanand uses a combination of ancient and modern methodologies to train professionals

5 ways on how yoga can effectively deal with corporate burnout: Ishan Shivanand

Ishan Shivanand uses a combination of ancient and modern methodologies to train professionals at the body, mind & heart levels with spectacular results.

While Ishan's focus is on grooming and developing the individual mentally, physically, and emotionally, the organization can also be educated on how to set up a work environment that fosters creativity and innovation by helping them tap into the hidden potential by accessing their subconscious mind.

Here are the 5 ways on How Yoga Can Effectively Deal with Corporate Burnout:

• Start Your Day with Positive Thoughts: The ideal way to begin the day is with a mantra or prayer, followed by some work-focused reflection. Spend 10 to 15 minutes journaling or writing out your objectives for the day and things you are thankful for. For this task, you can either go to the office early or complete it first thing in the morning or right before bed

• Practice Mindfulness Throughout the Day: You learn to be mindful through yoga. Your mind can become more present-focused and able to ignore distractions with regular practice. This is a highly useful talent that will help you a lot at work. Distractions are common in the job.

Distractions are present whether you're working from home or in a traditional office setting. They might seem as social media notifications that never seem to end, emails that arrive as you try to concentrate on your work, a coworker attempting to strike up a discussion, etc.

Focus on the tasks at hand after you have your to-do list. Don't let the long list of things that are waiting for you frighten you.

Put your phone on silent, shut your email, and focus. If you catch yourself deviating from your current task, just accept it without passing judgement and go back to it

• Reboot your body: Instead of scrolling through your social media page during your breaks, stretch for a few minutes to relax your body and mind.

When you start to feel exhausted, this is extremely beneficial. Locate a space where you can squeeze in some brief yoga or "walking meditation" during your lunch break to avoid midday slumps.

Without even getting up from your computer, you can practice certain yoga poses.

Neck circles, fan posture, shoulder rolls, and seated side bend are all excellent workouts.

• Practice with your colleague: Consider discussing this with your management if your coworkers are also interested in practicing yoga.

Employee demands and interests are frequently the basis of workplace wellness initiatives. Your manager might be happy to hear that you have a wonderful idea to encourage employees' wellbeing.

• Proper management of work -life balance: These days, even among people who work from home, stress and burnout are widespread. Since their working environment enables them to stay "connected" constantly, remote workers likely to endure more stress because most employees check in with work in the nights and on the weekends.

Taking a break is crucial, regardless of where you work. Burnout is primarily caused by a lack of sleep. Make sure to give your body and mind a rest by engaging in something else, like yoga.

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