Launch of cleanliness helpline and other facilities at Vadodara station

Launch of cleanliness helpline and other facilities at Vadodara station
New Update

On Wednesday various facilities were launched as part of the observing Swachhata Pakhwada from 16th to 30th August 2017. Under Swachh Rail Swachh Bharat Abhiyan as part of the Pakhwada cleanliness helpline, NAMMA type toilet block and other facilities were inaugurated at Vadodara Railway Station.

To support the Swachh Bharat Mission of GOI, several innovations are being introduced at Vadodara Railway Station from 16th of Aug, 2017 among the presence of MP Ranjan Bhatt, Mayor Bharat Dangar and DRM A.K. Singh and other officials. Cleanliness Helpline, Selfie points, Yellow lines, real time cleanliness ranking scales, Dustbin location indicators, All Ok Boards are the facilities inaugurated on Wednesday.

Cleanliness Helpline

Now passengers can click pictures of garbage or litter at the station and send to a dedicated helpline number so that immediate corrective action can be undertaken to ensure cleanliness at all locations. There would be boards highlighting this number 9724091426 to create awareness along with cleanliness slogans.

Selfie Points

To encourage and educate the youth, innovative selfie cutouts would be placed where passengers can click pictures with the message that ' MAIN HOON SWACHH NAGARIK' with their face on it.

Yellow lines

To discourage passengers from using the railway track as a disposal mechanism, stickers mentioning that THIS IS A RAILWAY TRACK - NOT A DUSTBIN will be pasted in all 3 languages in between the tracks, on the water hydrants

Real time cleanliness ranking scale

LASTLY, for a real time feedback from all stakeholders- Digital ranking scales are being installed at all platforms where passengers can rank their response on the level of station cleanliness . This data can be accessed and evaluated by the railway authorities from any remote location. This will have numerous data for improvement or evaluation viz.

  1. From which platform has it been ranked
  2. At what time has it been ranked
  3. What is the contact no. of the person giving the feedback
  4. What is the response etc ( Happy or fair)

Dustbin location indicators

These Board indicates the location of the nearest dustbin so as to guide the passengers and encourage them to use dustbins instead of throwing the garbage on the platforms.

All OK boards

All ok boards indicates that the condition of cleanliness was satisfactory until the last inspection carried out by concerned authority.These all are geared to encourage and instill the cleanliness habit amongst all users of the station and receive real time feedback.

Installation of Modular Toilet Block (Namma Type) on PF04 under Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) initiative of IRCTC

Modular toilet blocks sponsored by Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd. (IRCTC Ltd.) under its Corporate Social Responsibility Program are being commissioned at Vadodara Railway Station.

These Toilets are Modular in design addressing the most basic needs of access, ventilation, and natural light with adequate privacy and safety. It Provides proper sanitary solution to the traveling public, keeping in mind the requirement of Indian sanitary practices. It is a total sanitary solution with a Universal Design.

Toilet can be configured to many different complexes based on the requirement at the site, as they are modular. The Modular Toilet Blocks provided at Vadodara Railway Station has two units of Gents Urinal, two Gents Toilets, One Ladies Toilet and one Divyangjan Toilet, three wash basins. There are stand alone modules for Hand wash, Partitions for separating the Women sections from the Men, End partitions designed to keep stray animals away, overhead water tank structure and canopies (Privacy Screen) for the toilet modules. It is made of Composite Fiber glass Sandwiched material which has excellent durability and strength. It is designed to withstand the harsh conditions. The material is fire retardant, acid and alkali proof, water resistant, termite resistant and has very high impact strength.

Each module is 3.5 ft. x 4.0ft in size and 7.5ft in height. A 3ft walkway is available in front of the toilet modules and about 2.5 ft. in the rear. Toilet is made of high quality composite material and its life is more than 25 years.

Installation of Automated External Defibrillator (AED) under CSR initiative of Bankers Cardiology

Pvt. Ltd. Commonly called as a ‘defibrillator’, this device is used during the important phase of resuscitation and basic life support when someone is suffering from a heart attack. It sends appropriate electric currents to ‘jolt’ the heart and make it function as close to normal until the person can reach the hospital. The device has helped save many lives and is mandatory in many countries to benefit the general public.

Railway employees are being provided with training on using the device in an emergency situation.

To educating the general public, a slide show and an video shall be constantly displayed at platforms on the railway station, so they can help save someone’s life when there is a need. Doctors' at Bankers ICU will be available on 9724306176/0265-2324004 to guide and assist anybody who calls this number, through the process in emergency situations. By installing an AED machine at PF-01 at Vadodara Railway station, we hope to be one step closer to our vision to provide better facilities to our valued passengers.

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