ARIES – Today you will feel tired and very likely to be upset over small issues. You will possess a desire to earn quick money. Appreciate your wife’s achievement and rejoice her success and good fortune. Be generous and sincere in your appreciation. Love is in the air for you. Just look around, everything is pink. Take care of your action and words as authority figure will be less understanding if you do something deceitful. Today, your innocent acts of your spouse will make your day fabulous! Daydreaming is not that bad, provided you generate some creative ideas out of it. And you may do this today, as you have ample time.
TAURUS – Support of highly influential people will give a big boost to your moral. Someone with big plans and ideas will catch your attention- Verify the credibility and authenticity of the person before making any investments. Social events will be perfect opportunity to improve your rapport with influential and important people. You may find hard to express your feelings. Tax and insurance matters will need some attention. Looks like your spouse is disappointed with you today and you are going to know it. People first try to get money at the expense of health, and later try to get their good health back at the expense of money. Health is the real wealth, so get rid of laziness and live an active life.
GEMINI – Your childlike nature will surface and you will be in a playful mood. Surplus money should be invested in real estate. Pressure at work and home would make you short-tempered and restless today. Don’t waste your time in one-sided affair. If you have been waiting for a long time for interesting things to happen in your life- then you are sure to find some relief. Your marriage might go through a difficult time today. Procrastination can never do any good. A lot has been accumulated throughout the week, so get up and start taking action.
CANCER – The needs of others will interfere with your desire to take care of yourself- Don’t hold your feelings and do things that you like in order to relax. Financial hassles will be eased out with the help of your friends. Good day to communicate with people whom you rarely meet. of your beloved. Choose your words with care when interacting with important people. Your bad mood will be lifted up by your life-partner with some special surprises. Shopping with family seems to be on cards this weekend, however you may spend more than necessary.
LEO – Some unavoidable circumstances can give you some uneasiness. But you must try to keep your poise and should not react immediately to tackle the situation. Real estate investment would be lucrative. Try not to offend others and adapt to your family needs. Romantic affair may take a beating today. Secondhand news should be verified. When you live with someone, fights are inevitable. You might get into an argument with your spouse. Do not let loneliness overpower you; it would be better if you go out and visit places.
VIRGO – Today you need to relax and try to find happiness amongst close friends and family members. Losses are likely if you invest without seeking proper advice. Domestic life will be peaceful and adorable Don’t allow your romantic views to be aired. A day when changes might be made at the last minutes to your plans. Difference of views might create an argument between you and your partner today. Try not to get stressed today and take proper rest.
LIBRA – Sheer pleasure and enjoyment for those venturing out to have fun. Investment needs to be made with a long-term perspective. Relatives from distant place would contact you today. You may be overwhelmed by proposing as it unburdens you. If you run from a situation- it will follow you in the worst possible way. A personal space is important in married life, but today you will just try to be close to each other. The romance is on fire! Pictures may make life interesting – going through the collection of your photos may rekindle old memories.
SCORPIO – Do some mental exercise by reading something interesting. You will come up with brilliant new ideas that will bring financial gains. Great day when you would receive all the attention you want- you would have many things lined up and you would have problems in deciding which ones to follow. Don’t give up to emotional demands of your lover. Construction work undertaken today will finish to your satisfaction. If you want the day to go well, just don’t utter a single word if the mood of your spouse is off. An important decision with family may be taken, and this is the right time to do so. It is going to be beneficial for you in the long run.
SAGITTARIUS – Nature has bestowed remarkable confidence and intelligence in you- so use it to its best. Today instead of just sitting around-why not get involved in something- which will improve your earning power. Joyful time with family and friends Travel will promote romantic connection. Someone from your past is likely to contact you and make it a memorable day. Your partner might do something fabulous unintentionally, which will be really unforgettable. You may spend ample time with your love–and why not–these moments strengthen emotional connection.
CAPRICORN – Blood pressure patients should be extra careful about their health while travelling in a crowded bus. Monetary gains will be from one than one source. Unexpected gifts and presents from relatives and friends. Change in romantic pleasure on the cards Secondhand news should be verified. No matter how much you fight with your spouse; don’t forget that you love each other. It is better to be thoughtful about your future than to worry about it. Therefore, do not waste your energy in worrying and draw a creative plan for your future.
AQUARIUS – A beneficial day and you may be able to find relief from a prolong illness. Financial hassles seem to get over as your parents extend support. Do not be erratic in your behavior-especially with your spouse-otherwise it may mar the peace at home. Those engaged will find their fiancée a source of great happiness. A day for cautious moves- when your mind would be needed more than your heart. Your spouse will do something really special for you today. There is a possibility to go shopping today with your family, however you might feel tired afterward.
PISCES – Your frank and fearless views could hurt the vanity of your friend. Good day for real estate and financial transactions. Your thirst for knowledge will help you make new friends. Romance rules your heart. Tension filled day when several differences might crop up with close associates. It is a “go-mad” day today! You will reach the extremity of love and romance with your spouse. Running may prove very good for you from health’s point-of-view. The great thing about it is – it’s free and yet the best exercise.