Indian Army donates blood to Civil hospital Ahmedabad

<p>In order to assist the civil administration in this hour of crisis due to COVID-19 pandemic, Indian Army undertook a ‘Blood Donation Camp’ on request of civil medical authorities at Ahmedabad. Acting swiftly on request of Blood Transfusion Department, Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad, blood donation camp is being organised at Military Hospital, Ahmedabad from 03 April […]</p>

New Update
Indian Army donates blood to Civil hospital Ahmedabad

In order to assist the civil administration in this hour of crisis due to COVID-19 pandemic, Indian Army undertook a ‘Blood Donation Camp’ on request of civil medical authorities at Ahmedabad. Acting swiftly on request of Blood Transfusion Department, Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad, blood donation camp is being organised at Military Hospital, Ahmedabad from 03 April to 11 Apr 2020.


The soldiers
who always keep their commitment to duty above self, volunteered to donate the
blood. The blood donation camp witnessed enthusiastic participation from army
personnel. More than 100 serving personnel voluntarily donated blood upholding
the greatest tradition of Indian Army, “Service Before Self”.

Army has
been at the forefront of all nation building activities and during natural
calamities also, it has extended all assistance whenever required. A Similar
blood donation camp is also being organised at Jamnagar from 01 to 04 April

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