31 March – Know your today's horoscope

31 March – Know your today's horoscope

31  March  – Know your today's horoscope
New Update

Aries :Your evening will be marked with mixed emotions which can keep you tense. But there is no need to worry much-as your happiness will give you more joy than disappointment. People who had undertaken loans may experience troubles in repaying the amount today. Unexpected gifts and presents from relatives and friends. You will have to forget the beloved as you confront with realities. You need to take extra care of your luggage if you are travelling today. You and your partner really need some space for your married life. To strengthen your relationship and take it to the next level, you can propose marriage to your beloved today.

Taurus : You are likely to maintain a good health today which will give you the success. But you must avoid anything that will destroy your strength. Those who were unnecessarily blowing their money till now should control their actions from today and start saving up. Do not behave rigid with your family- as it may mar the peace. Romantic moves will not pay. If you live away from home due to your studies or job, then utilize your free time today by talking to your family members. During the conversation, you can also get emotional Your spouse might get too busy for you today. The beginning of your day will be spectacular, which will make you energetic throughout the day.

Gemini :Don't waste your energies in arguing something unnecessary. Remind yourself that you never gain anything from an argument but lose something. If you are planning on hanging out with your friends, then spend money thoughtfully, as you are likely to suffer from money loss. You should spend your spare time enjoying the company of children-even if you have to go out of your way to make that happen. Interference of a third person will create frictions between you and your beloved. You can waste your free time today on surfing on mobile or watching TV. Seeing this can annoy your spouse, as you will not show any interest in talking to them. Your spouse might act too self-centered today. Despite being among the people, you will feel lonely today.

Cancer : Blood pressure patients should be extra careful about their health while travelling in a crowded bus. You could find yourself in an exciting new situation-which will also bring you financial gains. A family get-together will see you occupy the center stage. You can quarrel with your partner on this day just to prove yourself right. However, your partner will calm you down with better understanding. Many a times, you don't realize where the time has gone once you start surfing the internet on phone. Although, you regret your actions later on. This day is like the spring of your life; full of romance, just you and your better-half. Rather than getting bored entire day, either read a good book or write a blog post.

Leo :Your enormous confidence and easy work schedule brings you enough time to relax today. Good day for real estate and financial transactions. There may be opportunities to attend social functions- which would bring you in close contact with influential people. Be alert as chances of losing friendship are high on card today. Repeating things in life that are no longer important isn't the right thing to do. By doing this, you are just wasting your time. Your life-partner might give less care and importance to your family members as compared to his/her family members in times of need today. Today, you will be lost in your own world, and this behaviour of yours can upset your family.

Virgo : Your health and energy conservation habit will benefit you immensely as you plan to go on a long journey. Despite a busy schedule you will be easily able to cope up with the tiredness. You know the importance of money very well, which is why the money you save today will be useful in the future and get out of any major difficulty. Guests crowd your house for a pleasant and wonderful evening. You can brighten your love life by visiting some picnic spot. While fulfilling the needs of the family, you often forget to give yourself a break. But today, you will be able to take out some time for yourself and look for a new hobby. Your spouse will push the rewind button of those early stage love and romance today. A friend of yours can praise you wholeheartedly today.

Libra :Keep your diet under control and exercise to stay fit. Money gains from unplanned sources brighten up your day. Friends will come to your aid if needed. Romance rules your heart and mind. Today, be wise while communicating with your family members, as unnecessary fights and arguments can arise. This will only waste your time and energy. It's a good day to romance with your better half. We seldom spend enough time with our family these days. But, it is a great chance for you to live happy moments with your near and dear ones.

Scorpio :Don't lose your patience especially at the time of crisis. Dig deep beneath the surface to find out more about the investment scheme that seems to be attracting you- Consult your experts before making any commitment. Your harsh treatment to children would annoy them. You need to restrain yourself and remember that it would only create a barrier between you. Love will show positive vibes Your sense of humor will be your greatest asset. Your married life is all about fun, pleasure, and bliss today. You might give way to foodie in you, and savor many delicacies. You may also visit a restaurant where exotic cuisine is served.

Sagittarius : Likely to get a happy news. Planetary placement doesn't seem favourable for you today in regard with money matters. Hence, keep your money safe. You will find it difficult to please your parents. Try to understand and look the things from their perspective to give positive results. They deserve all your attention love and time. Change your nature of keep falling in love everyday. Excellent day for social as well as religious functions. If your plan of meeting someone got ruined today because of your spouse's health, you will get to spend even a better time together. Avoid stepping out of your boundaries while joking with friends, as it can ruin your friendship.

Capricorn :Today's entertainment should include sports activities and outdoor events. Your money comes to your work only when you stop yourself from spending extravagantly, today you can understand this thing well. The jovial nature of family members will lighten up the atmosphere at home. You will cherish the spice of exotica in your sweet love life today. Today, be wise while communicating with your family members, as unnecessary fights and arguments can arise. This will only waste your time and energy. After many ups and downs in your married life, today is the golden day to cherish your love for each other. Today, there is an expected rise in your wealth. An investment made in the past can be the reason for this hike.

Aquarius : You will recover from prolong illness. But avoid a selfish short-tempered person as he can give you some tension-which could further aggravate the problem. Certain important plans will be executed bringing you fresh financial gains. Work in close coordination to bring harmony in your home. You will be in the mood for love-and the opportunities would be plenty. Understand the value of your time. It is useless to remain among people who are difficult to understand. Doing so will just give birth to more troubles. You might get an amazing surprise for your marital pleasures. Late night chatting on your smartphone is good, if done in moderation. Too much of it may cause some trouble.

Pisces : Health remains perfect. Today, with the help of a close relative, you can do well in your business, which will also benefit you financially. Control your temper to avoid hurting the feelings of your family members. It A lonely phase that has been gripping you for long time ends-as you seem to find your soul mate. Today, due to any party or get-together at your home, your time can get wasted. You will cherish the old beautiful romantic days today again with your spouse. Today, a stranger during your trip can annoy you.

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