23 June – Know your today's horoscope

23 June – Know your today's horoscope

23  June  – Know your today's horoscope
New Update

Aries :Those who are single might today enjoy an intense love life and a joyful personal relationship. A trip today will bring favorable results today. Especially for those who are in marketing. Today will be a very busy day for businessmen and industrialists. Apart from already scheduled meetings they may even have an unexpected business meeting with a foreign delegation. Real estate agents will successfully close a land deal today. Politicians will see an increase in their supporters today as more and more people join their cadre or come out in their support. It's now time to push your plans and start work on them. Also need to make afresh financial beginning.

Taurus : You might be under lot of obligations and out of consideration for others you might decide not to express your love for your beloved today. Those who are single must now start thinking of their own welfare. They should now take off some of the extra responsibilities that they have been carrying upon them. Children might exhibit the talent for art or literature. Parents should do their best to encourage their talent. A business tour to an important decision is foreseen today. It might also turn out to be very profitable. Students might seek out their teachers today for their advice on problems faced by them. Teachers would also be able to aid them or console them. Politicians may be called on to mediate within the party members and resolve issues today.

Gemini : Your romance will today get the formal approval of your parents. Students are advised to avoid bad company. This might ruin their studies. Sportspersons who have trained hard for some time now will finally benefit from all their effort. They will set new records in their respective sport. Artistically talented people may have to face many highs and lows today. They should not allow this to affect their confidence. All they need to do is keep working and they will be successful. Being around people who have positive energy and in positive surroundings would be very helpful to keep you healthy.

Cancer : Give some time to your new relationship to grow and develop. This will help you avoid any complications later. Unexpected problems might crop up at home or office for those who are engaged. They might have to break an appointment with their fiancee due to their hectic schedule. Parents would be very proud of their children. They would excel in their studies or co curricular activities and they would become famous. Those seeking an employment opportunity might meet someone influential today. They need to ensure that they make a good impression. Those in the legal profession will work towards establishing their business and career. They would take the steps towards this goal today. Students will gain some clarity on their difficult subjects today. They would be able to understand things better and thereby remember what they study.

Leo :Your romantic dreams may come true. You may make offerings and seek blessings at sacred places and even do charity. You may enjoy a holiday with your beloved today. Job seekers may not find favorable response from anywhere today. But they needn't lose hope as luck will shortly change. Not a favorable day for students. They might waste time with friends or get into arguments with them. Artists may today find themselves ailing from some physical ailment or other. This would keep them away from work. Your common sense and an intuitive sense of mistrust will protect you today in your financial matters. You might prevent yourself from getting cheated.

Virgo : Minor quarrels with your beloved might make this day very sad for you. It's better that you take the initiative to patch up. Children sensitive to cold air and drinks should not be exposed to either. There is a chance that they might catch a cold and fever today. You have an intense desire to travel and visit famous places around the world. You will today be able to plan your work in such a way that it can even facilitate your travel. Good reasoning powers that help make quick decisions would help share market investors today. They might have to make some real fast decisions on some shares. Teachers taking students out for a field trip are advised caution. Minor accidents are predicted. They must be prepared for all eventualities. You will enjoy a very healthy day today and need not worry on account of it at all.

Libra : Those who are single are advised to accompany their friends to parties or functions. This might be their chance to meet potential suitors. Minor problems may distract you from enjoying your travel today. They would keep you occupied for most part of the journey. Doctors and other medical professionals will taste success at work today. Share brokers and gamblers could be very lucky today. They might win everything they touch. You might experience a healthy, comfortable and peaceful day ahead.

Scorpio : Reach out to the person you love and celebrate togetherness today. Elders in the family would feel very energetic today. They would interact with other members also happily. An outing planned for the kids might have to be cancelled due to some unforeseen reasons. This would sadden them greatly. Those who are awaiting the results of a job interview would get a favorable result today. Students might today start preparing for their next level of studies. Teachers may have a long day today. They might have to stay back to attend extra classes.

Sagittarius :The advice and support of the elders in the family would do a lot of good for other family members. Fever or headache may prevent those seeking a job from attending a test or a job interview. Advocates may have to face the wrath of their seniors as colleagues tend to over interfere in their matters. Share market investors and brokers might find meetings with important people turning out to be very beneficial. Dedication and hard work from the students will only help them realise their dreams.

Capricorn :Unexpected problems in the family might keep you from meeting your beloved today. Parents of those who are single might not allow them to go out of party today. Children planning for higher studies would come to you for advice and support. They will make you feel proud and happy. Businessmen would gain financially from new ventures. Advocates who win their cases today will be appreciated very much by their clients. They might offer gifts over and above the fee. Teachers may be assigned new duties along with their existing job.

Aquarius : You might meet someone new today at work. And there would be sparks flying all across as romance blossoms. Medical professionals should wait today to see if they have any better career prospects or opportunities coming their way. They will soon get a good break. Sportsmen will feel very energetic today. They will also be able to meet up with any challenges that come up their way.

Pisces : Beware of any new people you might meet today if you are not a married person. All that glitters may not be gold. Those unemployed might profit from investments made in business. Lawyers might have to give their opinions and deal directly in some important legal affairs that they are dealing. People in the real estate business are advised not to make any promises to clients which they are not sure of fulfilling. It would harm their reputation greatly. An energetic day ahead for sportsmen as they will feel up to any challenge.

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