16 June – Know your today's horoscope

16 June – Know your today's horoscope

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16 June  – Know your today's horoscope

Aries :Those who are single might receive marriage proposals from unexpected sources. Share market investors and brokers are advised to avoid gambling or speculating. Especially if they are dealing with other people's capital. Politicians with an enterprising spirit may rise to prominence today. They would be able to advance their career and attain a higher position in their party. Sportspersons might meet with someone today who would guide them properly in their respective sport. Your physical health depends on your mental health. Since you will be very happy today you will feel healthy and physically fit as well.

Taurus : You might feel let down by your beloved today. The romantic mood might completely change to a tense moment. Those who are single might face a tense day today. A marriage proposal they might have liked may not find favor with their parents. A family get-together at home will make the elders very happy today. They would love to interact with the kids and other members of the family. Those who are seeking a new job might get an offer for a new job. This will also bring them fame and recognition. Advocates can expect new cases coming their way today. These cases would bring reputation and money for them. A good day for students today who are interested in extra curricular activities like debate, elocution, etc.

Gemini :Children who respect their elders and have a kind and generous heart towards the poor will gain the love and admiration of all at home and school. The unemployed may finally expect some good news. Job offers or new opportunities may come from old friends or relatives today. Unexpected financial assistance will come to businessmen. This would help them greatly in increasing their production or expanding their business. Minor health problems may keep students from their studies today. Teachers may have a surprise awaiting them today. It might either be a promotion of a salary hike. Not a good day for people in the showbiz as they might show some emotional instability. An auspicious function might bring some solace to them.

Cancer : Today there are chances that your romantic partner might feel neglected. It's the right time to clear all misunderstandings and to show that you really care. Parents of those who are single might not allow them to go out of party today. Doctors and other medical professionals will have a tiring but satisfying day. A very good day for those in the share markets. They could make a financial fortune today. A mentor will help politicians in building the foundations of a promising career in the political arena. Those suffering from serious illness will benefit a lot from the love and care provided by near and dear ones. It will bring them relief and some happiness.

Leo :Those who are unemployed may be rebuked by their parents and family for not trying hard enough to get a job. Medical professionals may not feel peaceful today. They might be tensed and irritated although they will also be diligent in work. Sportsmen will have a good day today. They will win all the games and matches they participate in. Those who are in the show business need to be diplomatic and cautious in their interactions today. Patients suffering from prolonged illness and bedridden for some time now may soon recover with medicines and care.

Virgo : Romantically involved couples might have to stay away from each other today. They might have other engagements which might force them from spending time together. Beware of any new people you might meet today if you are not a married person. All that glitters may not be gold. A good day to seek out help from influential people in securing employment. Lawyers might have to give their opinions and deal directly in some important legal affairs that they are dealing. A good day for studies and other academic projects. Those who wish to pursue higher education might have great prospects.

Libra : Married couples would enjoy a good, harmonious domestic day today. Those who are unemployed might get a call letter from co-operative organisations wishing to hire. Accountants will be burdened under the amount of work they would be sieged with today. Today real estate agents may be able to finalise a new land deal. If not final settlement, at least the preliminary steps towards it would be taken today. You might gain a financial partner today who will suggest very practical but very profitable ideas. You do stand to gain through this person.

Scorpio : Those who are single might today enjoy an intense love life and a joyful personal relationship. Children going out for boating or trekking need to be very careful. Adults accompanying them should take all caution as minor accidents are predicted. A trip today will bring favorable results today. Especially for those who are in marketing. Real estate agents will successfully close a land deal today. Nothing would go right for teachers today. A very frustrating and perplexing day lies ahead for them. It's now time to push your plans and start work on them. Also need to make afresh financial beginning.

Sagittarius : Those who are single must now start thinking of their own welfare. They should now take off some of the extra responsibilities that they have been carrying upon them. An excellent day today for elders who have not been keeping too well to undergo holistic healing practices. Children might exhibit the talent for art or literature. Parents should do their best to encourage their talent. You might have to schedule an important meeting today with some high ranking officials. This unexpected change in plans will force you to cancel a long-planned and awaited family outing. Students should be aware that any deviation from their academic pursuits might disappoint their families. Their parents and siblings have great expectation of them.

Capricorn : Your romance will today get the formal approval of your parents. A good and happy day for the elderly. They would get along well with people of all ages they meet. They would also set examples for the young with their experience and zest for life. Family members, especially kids would make today exciting for those in the share market. Sportspersons who have trained hard for some time now will finally benefit from all their effort. They will set new records in their respective sport. Being around people who have positive energy and in positive surroundings would be very helpful to keep you healthy.

Aquarius : You might lose a job offer today due to some unexpected reasons. But don't lose hope as something better may come up soon. All legal matters should be handled very carefully today. The planetary signs don't bode well in this case. Also ensure that all regulations and rules are met with. Sportspersons involved in a long-drawn controversy will finally get redemption. Their names would be cleared of any wrong. Artists may today find it difficult to adapt to their new life situations. They would feel nostalgic and be unhappy thinking of the times gone by. You will be vigorously healthy and charged up with vitality today.

Pisces :Family relationship would be ruined today due to confrontations or arguments. It is advisable that you do not lose your temper. Those who are unemployed may meet new people today. They might be of great help for them in procuring employment. Advocates will go by their intuitions in making decisions today. Their successful decisions would be appreciated by colleagues as well as superiors. Real estate agents planning to shift to their new house may have to face infinite delays. They might even have to postpone it indefinitely. Teachers are today advised to exercise extreme caution while dealing with official matters. Chances are that they might have to pay for somebody else's mistakes. Sportspersons may expect to be rewarded for their achievements in their respective field. They might receive a lifetime achievement award.

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