The bail application of Dixit Patel, the accused in the NEET examination scam and trustee of the Jay Jalaram school at Godhra, has been rejected by the special CBI court in the city on Tuesday. The court turned down his plea looking at the gravity of offences against him and also because the investigation in the case is underway.
A complaint was lodged against Patel and others at the Godhra Taluka police station after the NEET scam came into light.
After the CBI took over the investigation, he was arrested and produced in the CBI court that sent him to jail on completion of his remand. He filed a bail application, submitting that he hasn’t played any role in the paper leak and has cooperated with the police investigation.
However, the prosecution opposed the bail plea on the grounds that the investigation is going on and it can be affected if he would be released on bail. The accused can tamper with evidence and influence the witnesses.
NEET-UG case: Bail plea of Jay Jalaram’s Dixit Patel rejected
The bail application of Dixit Patel, the accused in the NEET examination scam and trustee of the Jay Jalaram school at Godhra, has been rejected by the special CBI court
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