Harsh Sanghavi MoS Home, Gujarat visited Indian Coast Guard Regional Headquarters at Gandhinagar

Harsh Rameshwar Sanghavi MoS (Home), Gujarat, visited Indian Coast Guard Regional Headquarters (North West) at Gandhinagar on 22 October 2021 Friday.

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Harsh Sanghavi MoS Home, Gujarat visited Indian Coast Guard Regional Headquarters at Gandhinagar

Harsh Rameshwar Sanghavi MoS (Home), Gujarat, visited Indian Coast Guard Regional Headquarters (North West) at Gandhinagar on 22 October 2021 Friday. He was welcomed by the Commander, Coast Guard Region (NW) Inspector General AK Harbola, TM and was given a presentation on the operational aspects and other roles of Indian Coast Guard.

During the interaction, the Minister lauded the efforts put in by Indian Coast Guard towards Coastal Security, Disaster Relief, Joint Operations, Community Capacity Building, Humanitarian Assistance and other ICG mandates. He complemented the Indian Coast Guard and state agencies for their mutual synergy, liaison and joint efforts.

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