Gujarat: Wife kills man to stop thrashing over TV

A 40-year-old woman from Chandlodia stabbed her husband to death on Monday night while trying to protect their 11-year-old son

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Gujarat: Wife kills man to stop thrashing over TV

A 40-year-old woman from Chandlodia stabbed her husband to death on Monday night while trying to protect their 11-year-old son whom he allegedly began assaulting over the issue of their TV not receiving the subscribed channels.

Vijay Yadav, 45, a driver with the AMTS, began beating up his son Manjit and twisting his arm, holding him responsible for the TV not displaying the channels. Vijay's wife Deepmala tried to intervene but he pushed her away.

Scared that he would break Manjit's hand, she took the knife lying nearby and stabbed him on the chest, leading to his death.

According to an FIR filed with Sola police, Vijay was under a 15-day job suspension and kept picking fights with his family members every day over trivial issues.

"Around 7pm on Monday, Vijay came home and told his family that he was skipping dinner and planned to watch TV all night," said a Sola police official.

The family members went to their respective rooms on the first floor of their house in Jayaditi Park Society and Vijay began watching TV on the ground floor. 

Around 9.30 am, Vijay began screaming at everyone accusing them of disconnecting the TV channels.

"Vijay's son Manjit told him that he may be able to fix the issue and took the TV remote. Instead of letting the boy try to fix the issue, he began beating him up," the official said.

He threatened to break the boy's arm and began twisting it. The boy began screaming for help. Seeing him in pain, Deepmala tried to rescue him from Vijay but in vain. 

She found a knife lying nearby and pushed Vijay away before stabbing him multiple times. Vijay collapsed and lost consciousness.

The couple's elder daughter Hetvi, 17, called up Vijay's brother Rajesh and told him what had transpired.

When Rajesh reached the house, he found Vijay lying in a pool of blood. Vijay was taken to Sola Civil hospital where the doctors declared him dead. Sola police arrested Deepmala and booked her for murder.

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