The officials said that the rain-related incidents claimed nine more lives in Gujarat, taking the death toll to 16 in two days, while another 8,500 people were relocated and rescued from flood-affected areas with Gujarat rainscontinuing to lash some parts of the state for the fourth consecutive day on Wednesday.
Authorities are carrying out relief and rescue operations involving the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), its state counterpart SDRF, the Army, the Indian Air Force and the Indian Coast Guard, while Prime Minister Narendra Modi called up Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel to take stock of the situation and to ensure Centre's support in the crisis, reported sources.
A total of nine persons died in rain-related incidents, such as collapse of walls and drowning, in different parts of the state on Tuesday, an official release said, reported PTI.
On Monday, seven persons died in similar incidents in the state.