The Gujarat assembly on Wednesday unanimously passed the Gujarat Prevention and Eradication of Human Sacrifice and other Inhuman, Evil and Aghori Practices and Black Magic Bill, 2024, which is aimed at protecting people against evil and sinister practices.
On the need to introduce the bill, the govt said that it will ban evil and sinister practices propagated in the name of so-called supernatural or magical powers or evil spirits, commonly known as black magic, by conmen with the sinister motive of exploiting common people.
Those violating its provisions will be liable to at least six months in prison, which can extend up to seven years, and a fine which will not be less than Rs 5,000 and can extend up to Rs 50,000.
The bill, which was unanimously passed by the assembly, said that the govt will frame rules governing within 30 days of the act being passed. Offences registered under the act will be non-bailable.
In April 2023, a couple allegedly practicing black magic beheaded themselves with a guillotine-like device.
At least eight states - Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Rajasthan, Assam, Maharashtra and Karnataka - have enacted similar laws in the past.