The Gujarat High Court Friday granted bail to former MLA Chhabil Patel, the prime accused in the alleged murder of BJP leader Jayanti Bhanushali.
The HC decision comes two days after the Supreme Court granted bail to a woman accused in the same case.
The court granted him bail but barred him from entering the Kutch district, except for attending court proceedings.
The former politician is the sixth accused to get bail in the high-profile murder case.
A former Congress MLA from Abdasa seat in Kutch, Patel had defected to the BJP in 2014.
He was arrested on March 14, 2019 after being booked for allegedly getting contract-killers to kill Bhanushali, the then vice-president of BJP’s state unit, owing to political rivalry.
Bhanushali was also a former Abdasa MLA.
According to police, Bhanushali was shot dead by two sharp-shooters on board a moving train in Kutch on January 8, 2019 when he was on his way to Ahmedabad from Kutch.
Police say that the two sharp-shooters, later identified as Shashikant alias Bitiyadada Kamble and Ashraf Sheikh, were hired by Patel through a Kutch woman to bump off his archrival.