Cancer awareness seminar jointly held by Gujarat Press Academy and Regional Information Office, Vadodara

Cancer should be diagnosed and treated early to avoid misconceptions about cancer: Vadodara Collector RB Barad

Cancer awareness seminar jointly held by Gujarat Press Academy and Regional Information Office, Vadodara
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Gujarat Press Academy and Regional Information Office, Vadodara Jointly organised a cancer awareness seminar on Saturday. It held in the Dharasabha Hall of the Collectorate in the presence of Collector Shri R.B. Barad.

In this seminar, Collector said "People who knew about diagnosed with cancer are devastated, but with modern research and treatment methods and timely diagnosis, it can be cured. Addictions, eating habits, and stress also play a role and there is also a misconception among people about cancer. The number of cancer cases has been increasing over the last several years, then this type of seminar will also increase the level of awareness among the people. He also congratulated the Gujarat Press Academy and the Regional Information Office, Vadodara for organizing the seminar, adding that the state government's health department has set up state-of-the-art cancer treatment facilities which should be taken advantage of.

The head of the oncology department of SSG hospital, Dr. Anil Goyal said, "Cancer is a dangerous disease, but with enough caution and precaution, it can be controlled and cured after treatment, especially if it is diagnosed and identified at an early stage. He added that lifestyle changes are essential to prevent cancer. People should avoid tobacco, alcohol, junk food, spicy fried or overly sour foods. It is equally important to keep the mouth and genitals clean. Unnecessary X-rays, CT scans should also be avoided. In addition, obesity can also lead to cancer and that is why weight control is also very important.

About 40% of women are diagnosed with breast and cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is found mainly in rural areas and breast cancer in urban areas, " added Dr. Goyal.

The state government's health department has equipped the oncology department of Sayaji Hospital with state-of-the-art equipment worth Rs 25 crore for cancer treatment. Watermelon, papaya, lemon, amla etc. fruits and vegetables should be eaten regularly along with a balanced diet to prevent cancer. In addition, nuts and other dry fruits shall also be consumed. Thus, vitamins A, C and E should be taken in large quantities.

Dr. Goyal said that the awareness about cancer in India in particular is not as high as it should be. That is why it is becoming very difficult to cure cancer that has reached the last stage. Along with this, he presented research data on cancer from home and abroad and gave comprehensive information about the types, symptoms and treatment of cancer.

Welcoming the journalists, enlightened citizens and guests, the Joint Director of Information, Bhavsinh Rathwa said that the seminar has been organized by the Information Department of the State Government to create a true understanding among the people about a serious disease like cancer and to spread awareness. The presence of a media person will send a message to the people about cancer prevention, thus this seminar will be helpful in preventing this disease.

The seminar was moderated by B.P. Desai Deputy Director of Information. S.J. Mishra, assistant Deputy Director and Office Superintendent S. B. Sukhadia was present during the seminar. The seminar was attended by journalists from print, electronic, digital media and enlightened citizens.

#Vadodara #Northern Railway Central Hospital #Cancer awareness #Collector Shri R.B. Barad #Regional Information Office #Gujarat Press Academy
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