132 students from Vadodara selected under the research scheme will get stipend of 5.28 crores

Will be paid in phases as help in completing the study of Ph.D

132 students from Vadodara selected under the research scheme will get stipend of 5.28 crores
New Update

Gujarathas announced a research plan to provide financial backing to students who are pursuing Ph.D which is time consuming and costly research study.

State Chief Minister Vijay Rupani and Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel have made arrangements to pay a stipend of Rs. 4 lakh to these research students in phases through the Education Department under this scheme.

It is a matter of pride for Vadodara as 132 students registered for this study in various disciplines have been selected in the first year of implementation of the research scheme.

It is noteworthy that more students from Vadodara in the state were selected for research. In the celebration of Gyanshakti Day, Deputy Chief Minister Nitinbhai Patel praised the brilliance of Vadodara.

There is a provision to pay Rs. 4 lakh per student in phases subject to the terms and conditions of the scheme. Thus, only students from Vadodara will be paid a total of Rs. 5.28 crore from the state exchequer in phases under this scheme to complete this very high standard of study, which is notable. If the total number of students selected under the entire state search scheme is multiplied by Rs. 4 lakhs, the amount becomes very large.

Also currently University Grants Commission has made a rule of giving top priority to the qualification of Ph.D in selection of teachers. Then this instructive and sensible research scheme of the state government will prove to be very encouraging.

#Gujarat #PhD #Chief Minister Vijay Rupani #Gyanshakti Day
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