Vadodara girl features in Oscar nominated short film based on life of highway sex worker

Vadodara girl Mazel Vyas acted in a short movie Highway Nights opposite veteran producer, writer, director Prakash Jha

Vadodara girl features in Oscar nominated short film based on life of highway sex worker
New Update

Vadodara girl Mazel Vyas acted in a short movie Highway Nights opposite veteran producer, writer, director Prakash Jha which is nominated for the Oscar 2023 in Short films category. The movie is about the life of a underage highway sex worker and father daughter bonding with a truck driver.

The 19 minutes movie was shot in two days in Bhiwandi during night time. It showcase the life of a under age highway sex worker searching for a customer and how she find solace in the company of a noble hearted truck driver.

"It's about the life of highway sex worker in Gujarat and North highways. She is jolly in nature and become comfortable in the company of truck driver played by Prakash Jha. The film showcase the bonding between the two like father and daughter and gives a strong positive message to everyone," Said Mazel.

The film was selected from over 2500 enteries all across the world and after theatrical release in Hollywood and will nominate for Oscar 2023 in Short film category.Vadodara girl features in Oscar nominated short film based on life of highway sex worker

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