IIT Kanpur to launch executive masters programme on construction engineering

The programme is inclusive of IIT Kanpur campus visits, mentorship, and career support

IIT Kanpur to launch executive masters programme on construction engineering
New Update

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur will be launching an online post-graduate level programme on construction engineering.

To be launched by the institute’s department of civil engineering by July this year, the IIT claims the course is being launched for the first time ever in India.

The programme aims to equip practising civil engineers and architects with the knowledge and skills to manage projects effectively, using minimum resources and energy requirements, and with a minimum carbon footprint.

Designed by IIT Kanpur faculties and industry experts, it will cover a range of topics, including sustainable design and construction, green building materials, project management, and financing for sustainable projects.

The executive-friendly format of the e-Masters degree programmes at IIT Kanpur will offer a flexible approach for professionals to complete the degree anywhere between 1-3 years.

The programme is inclusive of IIT Kanpur campus visits, mentorship, and career support.

The programme will be launched in July this year and the application process for the inaugural cohort will start by end of March.

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