Central team from Delhi visited Vadodara on Thursday after Corona cases increasing in Gujarat

Central team from Delhi visited Vadodara on Thursday after Corona cases increasing in Gujarat
New Update

Visited the SSG hospital and containment zones and review the treatment facilities

With the number of corona cases increasing in Gujarat, a central team is in Gujarat to check the situation and facilities at the hospital. After Ahmedabad on Thursday they reached Vadodara on Thursday and found the facilities here as satisfactory.

A large number of people were gathered during the elections that have been going on for the last one month. We have seen situations where political parties seem to have forgot the government's Corona guideline and as a result the number of patients has increased in the last two to three weeks.


A three-member team of the central government reached Vadodara today after Ahmedabad, as the state registering an increase in the number of corona patients. They inspect the corona ward at Sayaji Hospital and also visited the city's containment zone and the treatment given to patients. Dr. Kapoor Chandra from the team did not find any defects in the hospital and termed the visit as satisfactory.

Informing about this, Dr. Kapoor Chandra said that the number of corona cases in Gujarat has increased in the last few weeks. So a three-member team from the central government has come to Gujarat to monitor the increasing number of cases. They visited the Covid Care Center of Sayaji Hospital in Vadodara and examined the treatment given to patients. The PPE kits as well as treatment materials were also examined. The team don't found any defect in the method of care and treatment of Corona patients by the hospital.

He said, their team is also visiting the city's containment zone as well as visiting private hospitals. A report on the increasing number of corona cases will be prepared and handed over to the Central Government. In the last few days, a special team has arrived in Gujarat to find out the reason for the increasing number of corona patients.

#Vadodara #Corona virus #SSG Hospital Vadodara #Delhi #Gujarat #Corona Cases #COVID-19 #Dr. Kapoor Chandra #Central Team #Connect Gujarat News
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