Canadian students learn Indian culture through Summer School Program

Canadian students learn Indian culture through Summer School Program
New Update

Currently undergoing one month exchange program at Parul University

A group of Canadian students have spent their summer researching and acquiring knowledge through exciting visits to some of India’s cultural heritage sites such as Champaner, Jama Masjid, Agra fort, Taj Mahal and the Gandhi Ashram. As part of its annual Indian Summer School Exchange Program, a group of 6 students from one of Parul University’s long standing partners, Humber College, Canada, are currently undergoing a one month exchange program at the University’s Vadodara campus.

This year's program is more about sharing of culture as it includes sharing of knowledge through extensive research projects on both the Indian and the Canadian societies. Having such a program will go a long way in providing real time solutions, to some of the problems and concerns faced by people who travel abroad regarding the ways to relate and adapt to cultural changes.

Annually, students from the Universities, get the opportunity to take part in the Summer School program allowing them the opportunity to have first hand experience of the Indian culture, Indian education system while conducting research projects towards the end of their program. This year 6 students namely, Gillian Eveline Bowles, Samantha Joyce Groover, Shannon Therese O’Connor, Shasiga Kathirgamanathan and Stephanie Anne Gonyea will also be conducting such projects. They will be focusing on the various aspects of cross cultural communication, including the many forms of cultural shock and the contribution of socio-economic aspects such as health and human rights.

“Being a part of this summer school program, has allowed me to widen my understanding of the world through the eyes of India. The visits to the various heritage sites, along with the cultural festivities, provided me with an exciting way of researching more about India, in a first hand experience. The time I spent in Parul University, allowed me the chance to fully study the elements of cross culture, as I got to become Indian for a month. I believe the research we will be conducting at the end of this program regarding the various aspects of cross cultural communication, will go a long way in providing foreigners with various ways to adapt to changes in the social ecosystem, said Shannon Therese O’Connor, one of the participating students.

“Each year as Parul University we get to host hundreds of International students and faculties, providing them with the opportunity to experience the Indian culture along with the scope of Indian education. Hosting people from such diverse backgrounds, has been providing our Indian students with a platform to share ideas on various crucial research topics which require different perspectives. Having these Canadian students on the PU campus, I believe will go on to create this idea sharing atmosphere, and an exciting platform for students research the elements of cross cultural communication” said Dr Devanshu Patel President of Parul University.

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