Aries : Let your unpredictable nature not mar your marital relationship. Make sure to avoid this otherwise you may regret later on. People who had invested somewhere are likely to suffer financial loss today. Family members will be very demanding. Romance will cloud your mind as you meet your sweetheart. You may be quite upset with your subordinates for not working as expected. You can spend time with an elder of the family today to understand the intricacies of life. You know what, your spouse is truly your angel. Don’t believe us? Observe and experience it today.
Taurus : Friends will introduce you to somebody special who would have a remarkable influence on your thoughts. Investment in stocks and mutual funds recommended for long-term gains. Matrimonial alliances for those eligible. You will cherish the spice of exotica in your sweet love life today. Today will be very active and highly social day for you all- People will look up to you for advice and will simply agree with anything that comes out of your mouth. You know the importance of personal space, and you are likely to get a lot of free time today. In this time, you can play a game or go to the gym. Today, your spouse will make you feel that you are the only one in the world.
Gemini : Blessings of a saintly person will give peace of mind. Investment in antiques and jewelry will bring gains and prosperity. Health of your spouse may cause worry and need some medical attention. Your tears may be wiped by a special friend. You might get a good news at work today. Traveling would be pleasurable and highly beneficial. Today, you and your spouse will have a really deep soulfully romantic talk.
Cancer : Blessings of a saintly person will give peace of mind. Today financial losses seem likely if you invest on the words of others. Visiting your relatives would be much better than you thought. You will never forget this day in your entire life, if you did’n’t lose the opportunity of making love today. You are likely to gain- if you present your ideas well and show your determination and enthusiasm at work. Your competitive nature will enable you to win any contest you enter. Eyes tell it all, and you are going to have an emotional eye-to-eye talk with your spouse today.
Leo : Share the family problems with your wife. Spend some amount of time for each other to rediscover and reaffirm yourself as a loving nurturant couple. Your children too will catch the vibrations of joys and peace harmony at home. This will give you greater spontaneity and freedom in your interaction with each other. Investment in antiques and jewelry will bring gains and prosperity. Keep on giving verbal and non-verbal messages to your family to realise how much you care for them. Spend your quality time to double the happiness. Relive your precious moments by going on a picnic with your beloved. Your hard work will show colors today at work. Your flair to convince others will pay rich dividends. Today, you will realize that your marriage had never been so beautiful.
Virgo : Today’s entertainment should include sports activities and outdoor events. You will possess a considerable amount of money today, and with it there will be peace of mind. Family front doesn’t seem to be happy and smooth. Romantic encounter highly exciting but will not last long. Opportunities to show your skills will be with you today. Do not be afraid to say what’s on your mind. Your spouse might make an issue of something he/she heard in the neighborhood.
Libra : A day when you will be able to relax. Massage your body with oil to give relief to your muscles. Lack of money can be the reason of discord in the family today. In such a situation, think well before talking to other family members and seek advice from them. You are best to avoid raising issue that could upset your relationship with loved ones. Relive your precious moments by going on a picnic with your beloved. You might get a good news at work today. You can read a book in your free time. However, you may constantly feel disturbed by the members of your family. Today, you will get to spend the best evening of your life with your spouse.
Scorpio : Family functions or get-togethers today will make the elders in the family very happy. They would be glad to meet all their sons, daughters and other relatives. An upsurge in the market might see many investors reaping unexpected profits today. They could make some cool money if they trade wisely. Students would today spend their time seriously preparing for their exams. They would not waste any time as they plan their schedule very efficiently. Sportspersons may expect to be rewarded for their achievements in their respective field. They might receive a lifetime achievement award. You will be powerhouse of energy today. You will feel very healthy too.
Sagittarius : Your love and care for the elders of the family will keep them happy. Their happiness would also reflect on the entire family today. The markets could be very favorable today for those involved in the share markets. Students would do well in their academics today. Some might even help their other classmates. The sports team would respond very positively to the sportsmen’s plans that would make them better as a team. You need not worry about your health today. You will be perfectly fine.
Capricorn : Those who are unmarried may meet someone today who will bring positive changes to their lives. Children’s studies may be of concern for parents today. They might not be doing very well in their studies. A group of explorers might invite you to join their travel. This would be a dream come true. You have always desired to gain knowledge through travel. Not a favorable day for those seeking a new job. But hey need not lose hope as opportunities will some their way soon. Impudent and disobedient children/students may test the patience of teachers today. They would have to ensure that they are in control. A good day with some financial gains indicated. Speculation might also bring in rich rewards.
Aquarius : You will be in a balanced state of mind. In this state you would easily be able to sort out family differences that have come up. A good day if you are planning to go out on a pleasure trip with the family. A favorable day for those businessmen who wish to expand and open new branches. Today they will be able to take the initial steps towards this goal. Those in the real estate business will have a routine day of work today. Politicians may meet some very influential and important people at informal gatherings. This meeting would turn out to be extremely judicious You might be in a financially strong position now. There might also be some relief from debts.
Pisces : You might prefer to stay alone today and even a call from your beloved might not change your mood. Those who are single might be overburdened with work today making them very short tempered. They are advised to be patient while dealing with their officers. Medical professionals who desire to start their own hospital or dispensary will start working towards it today. The would start the process of building one. Share market investors are advised to avoid gambling or speculating on stocks today. Especially if they are investing other people’s money. Ambition to excel would be what drives professional players today. Your views on food and exercise as well as the strict diet and good lifestyle will keep you healthy and fit all day long.
2 December – Know your today’s horoscope
<p>Aries : Let your unpredictable nature not mar your marital relationship. Make sure to avoid this otherwise you may regret later on. People who had invested somewhere are likely to suffer financial loss today. Family members will be very demanding. Romance will cloud your mind as you meet your sweetheart. You may be quite upset […]</p>
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