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15 November – Know your today’s horoscope

15 November – Know your today’s horoscope

Aries: If it feels like powerful people are being too critical of you right now, try not to overreact. It's not easy or wise to ignore the comments of influential folks, but right now it's not constructive to dwell on what they find wrong with you either. Stay as far away from these people as you can today. They could very well be looking for a scapegoat, and you should give them no indication whatsoever that you're up for the role. Don't take someone else's blame.

Taurus : Try to avoid giving bad news to anyone today. It could stir up some things that don't need to be revisited. But if you absolutely have to relay negative news or feedback right now, be as tactful as you can about it. Avoid making jokes or using humor to deflect the tension. It will just backfire and make you look like you're not taking the situation seriously enough. You are skilled at diplomacy, as long as you take the time to think your words through carefully.

Gemini : Running around tending to tasks and putting out metaphorical fires will probably be the most physical exercise you have time for today. There are going to be a lot of people demanding your attention, obligations to take care of, and errands to run. But before you waste all 24 of this day's hours being of service to others, make sure you set aside some time for your sanity. Even if it's just a walk or a long, hot bath before bed, you need to do something that's just for you!

Cancer: Fight any urge to go it alone today. At first glance, it might seem like it would be easier and faster to get things done by yourself, but you have to start reaching out for guidance and insight from other people if you want to get the most possible value out of today's experiences. Connecting with others isn't that hard right now, especially since people are eager to connect with you and help you. Accept their advice and express your gratitude.

Leo: Your mind is sharp when it comes to numbers today, which means it's a great time to look at your finances with a fresh eye. Review your budget and you could see a few items that can be adjusted. One small alteration could yield some big rewards quite soon. Managing your money doesn't have to be intimidating or boring. In fact, it could be quite easy for you today. And knowing how much money you have to work with is vitally important right now.

Virgo : You've had a long time to tidy up that messy situation, and you still haven't finished the job! True, it's no fun to apologize and admit you were wrong, but until you do you won't be able to put this thing behind you. Just tackle it head-on. Start that conversation that you've been dreading. Put your cards on the table and encourage everyone else involved to do the same. Things will be so much more fun once everyone knows where they stand again.

Libra : You're feeling sharp and ready to handle all your commitments with effervescent zeal today! A lesser being would find all the details too overwhelming, but not you. You feed off the pressure and use your resulting adrenaline to speed through the day like a whirling dervish. To you, organizing the chaos around you isn't a chore; it's a puzzle to be solved. Tackling it all will bring you a lot of joy and satisfaction.

Scorpio : People who seem to be simple and carefree are often hiding a few secrets. Keep that in mind when you're having a confidential conversation today. Don't just assume that they don't know what you're talking about. They might know more than you do! You should also pay close attention to who is around when you have any type of conversation today, no matter how trivial. You don't have as much privacy as you think you do. Eavesdroppers abound.

Sagittarius : You may have been given some responsibilities that require you to be the voice of authority. This is a change if you're usually be the one making all the wisecracks. While initially challenging, this role is going to finally start feeling more comfortable to you. There is real momentum rolling now, and things seem to be falling into place. Pat yourself on the back and enjoy the fact that you're making real progress on one of your biggest goals.

Capricorn : You've achieved a whole lot recently, and you deserve to brag a little bit! How about tooting your horn in the context of a little get-together? Get your closest friends together for a celebration, virtually if you have to, or socially distanced if you can meet in person. You don't have to specify that the celebration is all about you. Be mysterious! Think of a fun way to treat yourself to a jolt of tender, loving care.

Aquarius : Adopting the "live and let live" philosophy will help keep you grounded today, and help you make the right decisions about your future. If someone else's choices or beliefs are upsetting you, you have to try to let go. You can't change who they are or what they think. To save your sanity, accept that they think the way they think. Stop wasting so much of your energy on them. Start putting that energy toward what you want to do next in life. You won't regret letting this go.

Pisces : Consider yourself lucky if you're assigned to a supporting role in someone else's important project today. A low-stress environment is just the ticket for you right now. Being more of a behind-the-scenes player than a center-stage star will give you a chance to get a fresh look at the goals you need to tackle next. Too much has been going on lately, and you're in danger of losing perspective or taking a special loved one for granted unless you make time for them.

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